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Heritage Owners Club
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Heritage Guitar Info

I received my Heritage H40 acoustic guitar in the year 1976. I have been trying to find out more information about this type of guitar. I came upon this web site and I was hoping for some help. The only information that I came upon this information as follows: *****The Heritage guitars was marketed by Unicord (the parent company of Univox) as a budget line of guitars. They were probably made in Korea and there were 4 models. Two were nylon string: the H20 Standard size had a spurce top, maho



Heritage Guitar Info

I received my Heritage H40 acoustic guitar in the year 1976. I have been trying to find out more information about this type of guitar. I came upon this web site and I was hoping for some help. The only information that I came upon is as follows: *****The Heritage guitars was marketed by Unicord (the parent company of Univox) as a budget line of guitars. They were probably made in Korea and there were 4 models. Two were nylon string: the H20 Standard size had a spurce top, mahogany body, slo



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