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Status Updates posted by JSuzann

  1. RT @ABC: A Russian spy ship is now 30 miles south of New London, Connecticut, where a U.S. Navy submarine base is located. https://t.co/Ari…

  2. RT @Alifaith55: I CANNOT RETWEET THIS ENOUGH ❤❤ https://t.co/KpCTQjN8zz

  3. RT @Amoney666: Ten states are about to criminalize peaceful protest. Sign the petition to stop them: https://t.co/gtWgSpLutV https://t.co/I…

  4. RT @BeSeriousUSA: #FireFlynn You got fired from last job for being batpoo crazy, went running to the Russians for money, and now u sell out…

  5. RT @BigBeard74: Rumor has it the situation room has been compromised by the Russian government. How much of the White House has been compro…

  6. RT @ChelseaClinton: False claims about autism are both wrong and dangerous. https://t.co/uppwaJGkbt

  7. RT @ChrisMurphyCT: Trump said yesterday no one cares about his tax returns. @RonWyden & I have a bill requiring their release. Retweet this…

  8. RT @CNN: .@BernieSanders: "We are a democracy, not a one-man show. We are not another Trump enterprise" #CNNSOTU https://t.co/QUshWmzrtQ

  9. RT @deejay90192: @Rosie Thanks Rosie. Looks Like tweet deleted. Here's info on the Writ. https://t.co/dejyPJ3kZB

  10. RT @deejay90192: They all need to step down. They're hiding #IllegitimatePresident Tax Returns for a reason. #PutinsPuppet .@HouseGOP .@Sen…

  11. RT @DTrumpExposed: Can we please get a RETWEET in support of all the "Moose-Lamb" immigrants, and the great Job SNL does at making Trump lo…

  12. RT @France4Hillary: BREAKING: Trump not briefed on the order that gave Bannon a seat on the National Security Council. Who's our President?…

  13. RT @GeorgeTakei: Betsy DeVos' Dept of Education took down a website for disabled children--info on Individuals with Disabilities Educ Act i…

  14. RT @HillaryClinton: "She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted."So must we all.https://t.co/JXROGHPNkH

  15. RT @HRCisMyPOTUS: Trump Attacks Disabled Children By Removing Disability Education Rights Website https://t.co/cW84PzOxdE https://t.co/xqF8…

  16. RT @IMPL0RABLE: #TheResistance #ImpeachTrump #MaraLagoAlso cost taxpayers more in vacation related expenses in 4 weeks than Obama family…

  17. RT @jamesottery: @Freeyourmindkid Yep, Trump White House. GOP no morality or ethics ... https://t.co/ajNwJ97Mjv

  18. RT @JR777771: #TNTweeters #USLatino #USA #theResistanse #fightlikehellWe support Sen. Warren's call 4 an investigation 100%.Image by Oc…

  19. RT @KamalaHarris: RT now if you believe it is wrong for the GOP to silence @SenWarren for trying to read a letter from Coretta Scott King.…

  20. RT @kharyp: Rush lied to you & so did those other folks who said it was good @realDonaldTrump. They're giving you fake compliments. https:/…

  21. RT @LaurenWern: Letterman: Have you had any dealings with the Russians?Trump: I've done a lot of business with the Russians. I know the R…

  22. RT @MandysLandBlog: Donald unhappy with activist calls to Mar a Lago at (561) 832-2600. Please RT so people will "not" call (561) 832-2600.…

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