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Posts posted by skydog52

  1. I started looking around for shirts and the main thing I got from this exercise is I have way too many t-shirts!

    Here are a few but I know I attended more PSPs than this sample. I'll find them some day.








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  2. 13 hours ago, TalismanRich said:

    I've been reading the thread on TGP about the Ascent guitars.    It's almost hilarious reading the condemnation of the wood, the bolt neck, etc.   At least a dozen of the posts were the of the "well, I'm not interested!" type.

    DUH!    Anyone who thinks the Ascent line is aimed at Gear Page snobs is crazy.   These are people who will spend $100 on a pair of bumblebee caps or $200 on vintage aged pickguards and poker chips.   They aren't going to buy a $180 guitar.  

    It's not aimed at ImABigStar on TGP who has 30 guitars,  a dozen Marshall stacks, two Klons and plays for his dog at night.

    It's a guitar for little Timmy who's in 5th grade and wants to learn guitar.  Daddy will spend $180 for Christmas.   If little Timmy ends up learning to play, then maybe in 4 or 5 years he can get a real H150.

    When I was 10,  you bought a crappy Sears Silvertone for $20 in the classifieds.   Then you might get a crappy Japanese made guitar at a pawn shop for $100.   Then, after several years you would move up to a used Fender for $200.   You didn't start out buying a $400 Gibson just to try to learn to play G C E... 1 2 3  G B F... 1 2 3.

    +1000  Rich gets it!

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  3. 1 hour ago, Gitfiddler said:

    And what about the names "Prospect", "Academy"?  Were those Kalamazoo street names?

    Marv told me he picked one of the streets and Jim picked the other.

    If I remember right, there were girlfriend (s) involved on the streets.  But I didn't say that. ; )

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