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Black Accented Antique/Natural/Blonde Finish?


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I swear I saw this in a picture of a Heritage, I think it was an H-535. It looked like an Antique Sunburst, only without any really noticeable burst, maybe a trace of a burst (it seemed muted or subtle), but maybe no burst at all per se, but the black was like a faded/grayed/antiquated black that sort of veined throughout the whole body and the finish seemed to bleed through. It was kind of like what you would see on a PRS or Carvin in a tight quilt or curled maple done in emerald green and black except it was an antique, blond, or (aged?) natural finish. Sorry, this is the best I can describe it at the moment.


The closest I could find was this:



Except the finish was more of an Antique, Tan, or rich creamy Blond color, the black stain flaming through the top was more consistent (less of a burst and more of a uniform finish), and the overall effect was like a black-and-white picture in a somewhat aged newspaper photograph.


Can anybody tell me if this is some formal finish or variation of a Blond or Antique finish with just darker or more prominent black staining? I'd also love pictures. There is one I saw but I didn't save it and now I can't find it for the life of me.



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Looking through some pictures, it almost looks like a cross between a heavily flamed Old Style Sunburst sans the thick band of bursting I've seen in some, and a black-accented/overlaid Antique or Blond finish. I hope that makes some kind of sense. That does seem to be the closest description I could come up with though, just not sure if there is a formal name for the finish I saw and am envisioning/describing.



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I don't have a guess as to which finish is the one you're looking for.

And pics have a way of making them look quite different at times..




I'd recommend spending some time going through the gallery pics and see if you can find it.

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Was it this finish? It's my old 575 Custom in Antique Sunburst.

No Black in this finish but just a superb upgrade top showing

through this paricularly transparent finish.




It wasn't quite that finish. Imagine that finish only a paler more tan shade with the flamed/accent areas of stain a darker shade that covered a bit more of the antique-stained areas and that would pretty much be it.


Nice top though. I don't usually care for a straight-up natural stain, but something like the Antique Natural with that subtle burst is really, really nice. It just seems to have more character to it. Nice guitar! Thank you for the picture too!!!!!



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I found one that's close. It's labeled Blonde on Black and is for sale at Wolfe Guitars (probably just a heavily flamed top with a nice Blonde finish):


http://www.gbase.com/gear/heritage-h157cm-2010-blonde-on-black#"Blonde on Black" H-157


I tried to attach the photo but it did not quite work for me for some reason. Anyway, the one I saw that sparked this thread had more black accents in the flames, but the color of the finish was very much the same. I like that one a lot, Kuz's Golden Amber is really, really nice too!


In case, you know, anybody else is interested in developing an obsession for this finish (that I conveniently can't seem to find pictorial evidence of the existence of anymore).



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