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FredZepp last won the day on July 9

FredZepp had the most liked content!

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    http://youtube.com/fredzeppp http://youtube.com/heritageowners

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    Cincinnati Ohio

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  1. Yeah... I love a 137 to rock. looking at the 2015 price list... an H-137 list was $ 2,700 (available as a single or double cutaway) The H-150 list price was $ 3,140 ($440 more) and an H-157 list price was $ 3,600. ($900 more than the 137) In 2009 the 137 list was S2570, the 150 at $2,990 and the 157 at $3,420
  2. Sweet Roy Clark model ! That stunner takes you back in time a bit.
  3. FredZepp

    H-150 Natural

    Nice Quilted One !!
  4. FredZepp


    '92 H-150 CM Flametop ASB '00 H-150 CM Classic VSB '89 H-140 CM Trans Red '94 H-157 Tuxedo '99 Eagle Centurion
  5. FredZepp

    H 555 Head Stock

    Nice headstock pic !!
  6. FredZepp

    The Biter

    Great pic of a sweet 150... And I love having the SoundCloud demo posted with it here, first time I've seen that done. Sounds great.
  7. FredZepp

    '04 Prospect

    Yes... I agree that Prospects are amazing instruments. I wasn't looking for one when I stumbled into a deal on one.. and I'm glad I did. The floating block in these elevates them to a higher level, it works so well. Congrats on finding one that you love.
  8. FredZepp

    Sunset Burst

    Sunburst.... indeed !
  9. Here's a video from back in 2012 as they were going through the change from stamped to handwritten....
  10. a fine example of an early H-150...
  11. Awesome 150 with a unique top !
  12. FredZepp

    '11 H157 Custom - VWB

    Great pic... awesome 157 and amp..
  13. Great pic of a great guitar !!
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