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rockabilly69 last won the day on January 15

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    Ogden, Utah
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  1. That guy from Psionic Audio is a dipshit who seems to ride the high horse with his opinions, while ripping people off constantly!!!! Type "Ripped off by Psionic Audio" into any search engine, and you will see what I mean. He had the balls to say he could improve TopHat amps. In his dreams. Brian Gerhard (Tophat) knows how to build amps period! As for Boogie amps being unreliable, I have owned 4 Boogies and only had one problem in all 4 of them. Yes they stack a bunch of stuff in thier amps, but most of these amps have ton of options so there's not going to be a bunch of room in the chassis. There is a tech named Mike C in Salt Lake City that totally knows his way around Boogies, I had tube go bad in my Fillmore 50 but that ain't the fault of Mesa. He had my amp back to me in less than a day. As for Metropoulos Amps, they are stellar. The guy knows how to build a Marshall better than Marshall.
  2. I don't think that guy Thomas Grassel is still making the Flatbucker, but there's a guy in the USA making killer RESO pickups Krivo. I have one on my National Tricone at it slays. It's one of the few magnetic pickups (like Flatbucker) that is microphonic enough to pickup up the difference in tone on resos. https://www.krivopickups.com/store/p2/Krivo_Humbucking_Pickups_for_Resophonic_Guitars..html Mine is just mounted with two sided foam tape.
  3. Thanks! As for playing resonators, the big thing about them is that they are loud and that could me intimidating at first! And the break angle at the bridge makes them feel much different than acoustic guitars. I find them harder to flatpick, but I love playing them fingerstyle like in this video! Yes that's a "Dual Caliber" DC2 Boogie and a Fulltone Fulldrive II Mosfet. That's for the dirty side of the signal. There's also an RE-20 Boss Space Echo in there too! And the reso also has a mic on it for the acoustic tone. Thanks, and yes that metal guitar, amplifier, and suitcase have bounced around in the back of car for many gigs! As for the Boogie, I've had it about 20 years and not one blip. That amp is ridiculously relaible. It still gets used in the rehearsal room at some decent volume most every Monday night. I did change the speaker to my favorite though, a Weber 12A125A, which is my favorite all time speaker. I have one in my Princeton Reverb, Tophat Club Deluxe, Clark Beaufort, and this Boogie! In a few days I'm going to try one in my Vox AC15HW1.
  4. A guy that I recorded bought me a beautiful personalized Thalia Capo as gift for the work I did for him, and frankly I find it clunky, and my girl bought me one for Christmas this year and same with that one. I prefer simple Kysers.
  5. They're 12 I I've measure all 4 Heritages that I've owned and they were all 12's
  6. I'm with you there, I've had more bad experiences with them than not. But my buddy Ryan, the other guitarist in my band, has using fuzz pedals down to an art form, and he really wanted to get me on board, so he gave me the Sunface. There is some tricks to getting the best out of them, and the most important of those tricks is to where they go in the order of pedals, first is best. Fuzz pedals are very interactive with the volume and tone controls on your guitar. And, a good fuzz cleans up beautifully when you back up the volume. Hendrix did that quite a bit, and was a big part of his clean tone. There is another thing about fuzz pedals, germanium transistors generally have a more organic squisher tone (like a sag on a tube rectified amp), that sounds great, but they are very unstable and can change tone mid gig as they warm up. Silicone ones (like the one I am using), are very stable, but to me lose a bit of the magic as a tradeoff. I just bought a germanium one just for recording. This is the actual pedal in the video, and the one I bought, it is supposed to be the most stable of the germanium based fuzzes. https://www.buyanalogman.com/Analog_Man_Sun_Face_p/am-sun-face-readylgrca.htm
  7. I stopped playing reso on stage a while ago but I always liked this tone. It's from 14 years ago. The pickup is a Flatbucker. https://youtu.be/JJTOLHiw_Fs?feature=shared
  8. THat's EXACTLY what I want to do, as the song is going to open up a set. 4 clicks of the drum sticks and boom, there it is
  9. New version of this song which will be more of the template of how my band will play it. The licks will be played exactly like this, which I think showcases the SUNFACE a bit better with it's vocal tones. And it's not just a Sunface to get the vowel tones, there's also a Origin Effects M-EQ Mid Driver that brings out that quality...
  10. In my best Ed McMann voice "How cold is it Johnny"? (Johnny replied "Even witches are wearing thermal bras")
  11. It's pretty unthinkable. With the with the devastion in North Carolina and Florida, this just adds up to a bad run of natural disasters. My heart goes out to all of the people that have to go through this suffering.
  12. Years ago, I saw Keith Richards and Ron Wood play together in Salt Lake City with the New Barbarians. They were both playing Mesa IIC amps and they sounded great. I was right up front so I could hear those amps really good!
  13. Not this one Goon, this one is fixed bias. I have used the sun faces with the sun bias knob and they are pretty cool if you really want the thing to spit, but I don’t really go to that dirty so it wouldn’t be as useful to me
  14. Thanks Chris, it’s a fun little pedal. It definitely brings out the rrock ‘n’ roll roller in ya when you plug it in
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