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bolero last won the day on February 8

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  1. Cool. And I never knew Prince wrote that song! Impressive resume, Snead's tune too.
  2. Bonus points if it helps with your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other/split personality DB your link is to an msn article? Here a Celestion page https://celestion.com/our-news/celestion-debuts-the-peacekeeper-at-namm-2025-attenuating-speaker-technology/
  3. 😝
  4. That's a beauty! I like that burst
  5. Well, you can't hunt deer, turkey, or fight off zombies with a guitar.
  6. Storage places get robbed all the time, often inside jobs
  7. Yeah beauties both! Re: pickups I always use my own judgement & experience, preferences. Everything I use is because I've tried it and liked it. I largely ignore " the madding crowd" and they are mad, especially guitar players. I prefer to follow my own muse. Pickups are easy to change.
  8. That "EMS synthi hifli" contraption Happy Gilmore used on Dark Side of the Moon & era live Pink Floyd was ahead of it's time. Multi FX unit up on a stand. https://soundgas.com/blogs/blog/ems-synthi-hifli ( I know, I know...just joking around: I get sick of everyone misspelling David Gilmour's last name )
  9. Yeah thanks for taking the time to do that. Great read. Great look. Great googlymoogly!
  10. 8675309 baby!
  11. Ohh....you have impeccable taste, my friend!
  12. I like them but always thought it was weird they used block inlays higher up on the neck. If they'd pointed them at the ends like a spear instead of square, it'd look better & match the rest IMO. I think these look good with the blocks I also like the bound F holes, it pops the shapes out of the darkness. Didn't the originals have maple necks too? That was something else that set them apart from the 535
  13. Well it's plantain to see both the CC H150 & the R9 are nice guitars.
  14. Anybody else get the notification about H-555's being back on the menu? They look good: https://heritageguitars.com/pages/core-collection-h-555
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