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Heritage Owners Club

P-Rails on a H150


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I did an A/B using an H150 with Parsons St. PAFs and one with P-Rails. They had the same strings, GHS 10.5-50s, and the same humbucking settings. The guitars were simultaneously plugged in to the same channel of a Bassman.


I didn't find any meaningful difference in the humbucker sounds. Yes, there was a slight difference in tones, but both were good. These differences may be due to the age of the strings, wood density, or pups.


Here is the wiring diagram on mine.




The single coil and P-90 settings did not hum much compared to a Strat.


I like the P-Rails and will keep them.

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I like the P-Rails and will keep them.


I've sold and installed a few sets of them, they are the "Swiss Army knife" of pickups. The hot version (more windings of a different wire, and AlNiCo 8 rather than AlNiCo 5 magnets) is a bit clearer sounding and not too much hotter. I can get nice cleans out of them, some people say that they can't.


I have a set, with the Triple Shot rings (two slider switches on each of the rings, easy access to all four modes of each pickup individually) about to get sent to Kalamazoo for Mr. Lamb to use on something he is building for me (my not so subtle hint I have something special coming (whenever it gets finished...)).

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