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are there standard pups for a 157?


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Iwhat comes stock in a 157? Recently checked the output levels for my 93 studio...same as a lp custom..


490r is abt 7k...and 498t is almost double at 13k. 13k is hot...certainly by G standards. Their top range is 500t...sbt 13.7k. Lots of options. So what abt the 157? What's stock and what's the output?

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Iwhat comes stock in a 157? Recently checked the output levels for my 93 studio...same as a lp custom..


490r is abt 7k...and 498t is almost double at 13k. 13k is hot...certainly by G standards. Their top range is 500t...sbt 13.7k. Lots of options. So what abt the 157? What's stock and what's the output?


Comparing Gibson to Gibson, the Studio model and the Les Paul Custom both have the same exact pickups. But other Les Paul models, like the Standard, or whatever, have different pickups, like Burstbucker Pro's or whatever. The point being, that not all Les Pauls have teh same pickups.


As far as Heritage goes, they don't seem to have a "set in stone" standard for the pickups they install into their guitars. More often than not, it seems like they just install their favorite pickups acording to whatever is currently available on the market (when a customer doesn't special order something different). For example, when Schaller pups aren't available, they go to something good from Seymour Duncan.


But regardless of whatever pickups are installed at the factory, EVERYONE seems to change out the original pickups to something else, so what they install doesn't seem to matter so much.

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I have to say. I LOVE the Schaller pups in my 157. I have no intention of changing them. They sound so sweet after I play another guitar. I have a vintage Seymour Duncan JB in my 85 Kramer that came stock. I love that too, but for different reasons. Sorry to hijack the post.


Correct me if I'm wrong here friends. It seems Heritage used Schaller's until recently and switched to Duncans as stock now.

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Heritage has used 59s as their standard pups for about five years now. These are very good PAFs at a reasonable price.


Dealers can order any pups they want and Heritage will usually cooperate. Unless otherwise specified they're 59s though except for their Floating #3.


Hangar8, you hit on an important point. Many people do swap out their pups. I'll bet half of those who do it have no good reason except that they feel like they might do better with something more expensive.


Google Seymour Duncan 59 versus Seth Lover sometime and read the threads on the forums. There are many conflicting opinions. Of course I have my own. But I haven't got to the point where I'll swap A3 magnets or an A4 bar magnet for the A5s in my 59s. If I get to that point, please shoot me.


BTW, I just love that H157 top of yours.

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I have to say. I LOVE the Schaller pups in my 157. I have no intention of changing them. They sound so sweet after I play another guitar. I have a vintage Seymour Duncan JB in my 85 Kramer that came stock. I love that too, but for different reasons. Sorry to hijack the post.


Correct me if I'm wrong here friends. It seems Heritage used Schaller's until recently and switched to Duncans as stock now.

+1 on the Schallers.. I loved them in my old h-140.. but I also like the Slash Pickups Brent put my new one..
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Heritage has used 59s as their standard pups for about five years now. These are very good PAFs at a reasonable price.


Dealers can order any pups they want and Heritage will usually cooperate. Unless otherwise specified they're 59s though except for their Floating #3.


Hangar8, you hit on an important point. Many people do swap out their pups. I'll bet half of those who do it have no good reason except that they feel like they might do better with something more expensive.


Google Seymour Duncan 59 versus Seth Lover sometime and read the threads on the forums. There are many conflicting opinions. Of course I have my own. But I haven't got to the point where I'll swap A3 magnets or an A4 bar magnet for the A5s in my 59s. If I get to that point, please shoot me.


BTW, I just love that H157 top of yours.

Do you have a caliber preference? Go with A2's!

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