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1988 Heritage H-535


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with the binding deterioration, and not being able to put hands on it....I'm thinking in the 800 - 1100 range. At that price someone with a great relationship with a luthier, whose workmanship and billing habits they trust, may take a chance on it and end up with a really nice 1200 - 1500 H-535, which is about right.


This is just my opinion.


Perhaps getting ahold of a decent point and shoot camera, and get 12 - 18 inches away from those problem areas, in bright sunlight, and snap a few. That would go a long way towards informing your market. It's all a bit too mysterious at this point


Good luck with the sale, though. You're in the right place.


The guy who quoted you the repair...any chance he'd sell on consignment in his shop?


Edit to add....looks like cell phone pics, and despite that, it's a gorgeous finish with great flame....decent photos can work wonders

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I can only assume it may be flaked? It is not rough to the touch, but all the binding has yellowed on the entire guitar. I don't know if the sections of binding in question are just not yellowed? It feels the same as the rest of the binding? What do you think?

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I just gave $1400, shipped for this 2000 H-535. All stock with Shallers pups and hardware. I researched it and watched the market daily for the last 5 months. H-535 transaction prices on ebay ranged from $1200 used to $1899 new from Jay Wolfe with a factory case. I think kidsmoke nailed it. $1200-1500, for a nice clean example is what I found, too. That was the limit I set for myself. Anything cheaper, would have to be a fixer, anything more, would need to have a very good story to go with it. I wasn't looking for a fixer and I can make up my own stories :icon_pirat: Did I mention, it's a 2000 model, first guitar of the day, 15th anniversary, built 10/15, :icon_jokercolor:









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I can only assume it may be flaked? It is not rough to the touch, but all the binding has yellowed on the entire guitar. I don't know if the sections of binding in question are just not yellowed? It feels the same as the rest of the binding? What do you think?

Sorry but it's simply not possible for me to do anything but speculate without the guitar in hand.


I'd suggest you get it to a luthier who can advise a price to correct the issue. You can then either get the work done or adjust your selling price accordingly.


Good luck, I hope things work out well :)

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