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Heritage Owners Club

Found the beef... again...


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So, this weekend, I was helping a friend out. He has an industrial-metal styled recording project and he wanted live guitars. The requirements were that the guitars just had to be, in his words, absolutely brutal. So.... I brought all my solid body guitars (140, old Ibanez V with Gibson 490/498 p'ups and a custom that is all maple with ebony fretboard and an EMG 81 pickup) and brought only my VOX AC50CP2. After getting a tone that would make any old school metal head drool and even some of the newer school fellas, it was determined that the Ibanez was WAY to fat sounding and the 140 was as well even if only to a lesser extent. The custom maple guitar did the trick. Much higher tone and with the EMG, just what he was looking for. After playing that guitar all weekend... I started to wonder if I liked that tone better than the Heritage I dote on nonstop.


So... this morning... the wife went out with the baby and left me all by my lonesome in the house. So... I yanked out the maple and plugged it in. I went on to wake up any neighbors that might not have gotten up for work yet. It sounded good. Not bad. I then got out the 140 and didn't touch a knob. Next thing I know... it is a half hour later and I running late for work. I left smiling. Recomfirmed: the Heritage 140 is my choice guitar. Not the maple. The people who I woke up earlier... I think I sent them to the crapper with the Heritage. Good thing they were already awake then. :P

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