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Heritage Owners Club

Help! Need a quick H150 measurement


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There are screwless pickguards for Les Pauls that get great reviews. Here are some links.






Bobby Lee, a guitarist and plastics guy, makes them himself and sells them for only $15. He told me if I can get him the exact distance between the pickup adjustment screws (bridge and neck), he would let me know if he has something that would fit the H150.


Someone with a ruler and a H150, please measure and report. It wouldn't hurt to also measure the distance between the closest pickup ring screws in each pup.


I will post his response.

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Thanks. Here's the response I got from Bobby Lee:


Good news! These are almost a dead on match. They are the same as the Gibson Standard, Classic and Studio models. I have them in cream, white, clear and black.







I ordered one in cream. I will post the results.

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