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Guitar stand nitro burn pics


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What did you do?


To make it happen? Set it on a cheap surgical tubing stand for about a week. When I tried to pick it up, the stand nearly came with it, it had melted the nitro that badly.


To "fix" it, I took it to my local Fender Dealer, where their tech repeatedly sanded down and oiled the offending blemish until it was no longer sticky, looked like hell with the bare wood color showing through on the back of that beautifully amber tinted neck. This got a little less noticable over time, as my hands natural oils started to even out the color, but you would have to be blind to not notice it was there. It wasn't a great job, as I could always feel the bump with my left thumb every time I was up around the 7th or 8th fret. A painful lesson. I know, Fenders are SUPPOSED to get beat up, but the fact that I did this soon after buying this thing brand new burned my butt.

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Bought these for my stands. Looks like the same material that case lining is. Never have to worry about nitro burns.



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