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What is the best home amp you ever owned or have.


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Ok, I have a great guitar ordered, the 555, so now I need a really good amp recommendation. I will only be using the amp for home use. My favorite music is Jazz, but I like pretty much any instrumental music, and for that matter, most other genres of music as well. I currently have a Vox VT-30 and a Vox DA-5, with no effect pedals.

What foot pedals are essential, if any. I have been told, that it is much better to get a single foot pedal than a multi-effect pedal, but I really do not have a great deal of space for a large array of single petals. I would love to hear what everyone is using amp wise and effect wise at home. As always, thanks for the help.

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Hands and Heads above all my Nolatone RJ. Tone shaping without tone stacks, flavor mixing on the gain stages tweed, blackface to marshall. Most unique feature has to be how the character of the guitar comes through clean or dirty no need for a stomp box.

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For the tones I like, my best amp is the Vox AC30CC1NEO, believe it or not. Just a marvelous amp. Not exactly home friendly ... or back friendly for that matter. But, oh ... the tone!

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I don't have a lot of experience with amps, but I love the Bassman. I heard it in the context of the Fender Supersonic. I think Clapton is using a Supersonic these days.

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I don't have a lot of experience with amps, but I love the Bassman. I heard it in the context of the Fender Supersonic. I think Clapton is using a Supersonic these days.


Wow, you must have a big home with an understanding family!


You may want to outline your surroundings, apartment or house, alone or married w/small kids, how far to the neighbors and what time you play? That goes a long way in defining a "home amp".


I just got a 10w Allen Chihuahua to serve this type of purpose, but it wouldn't be welcome in most apartments I've been in...

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Wow, you must have a big home with an understanding family!


You may want to outline your surroundings, apartment or house, alone or married w/small kids, how far to the neighbors and what time you play? That goes a long way in defining a "home amp".


I just got a 10w Allen Chihuahua to serve this type of purpose, but it wouldn't be welcome in most apartments I've been in...



Ooops . . . I have to clarify. I don't *own* the Bassman, just demo'd it at Guitar Center. What I do have is a 5 watt Ephiphone Half Stack Jr (EL 84 and 12AX7 tubes). That one does great with my strat, but the jury's out on the H 150 - I'm still experimenting. Also have a 5 watt Fender Champ, 600 - that has a 6V6 tube and a 12ax7. Both guitars sound great in that. I'm very intrigued with Thundersteel's Carr. Well, as for surroundings, I'm a single female, living alone in my condo in a multi-unit building with other residential buildings close by in - the space between me and other buildings is not much, but not super close, either - but we're close enough that we can see into each other's homes. I might crank it up a bit on Saturdays just to hear the natural tube distortion. The Epi at 5 watts is pretty loud. No one's complained so far. I do also have a little garage band that I rehearse with on Saturdays (we rent rehearsal space at Jamspot) - those rehearsal spaces come complete w/amps - they're fender deluxe reverbs. Someday, once I do my research, would like to get 22-30 watt amp - just something big enough to play small venues.

Your 10w Chihuhua sounds intriguing - will have to demo one some time.

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I've owned so many (currently own 6) there is no best. It depends on what you want. Best clean? Best crunch? Best scream? Most portable? Best at low volume? Most versatile (Swiss army amp)? Most touch sensitive? Best master volume? Best non-master volume? Best channel switcher?


That said, the amp I miss the most is my original Mesa Dual Rectifier head (number R1000) and matching 4x12. They get the bum wrap of being associated with drop tuned neanderthal grunge players, but those amps are one of the best sounding and most versatile Mesa has produced. I groked some killer tones with that amp. With a strat, a TS9 RI and the vintage orange channel I copped one of the sweetest SRV type tones that just had you not wanting to put the guitar down. It was just so juicy and sassy and sweet it was a total gas to play. With a Les Paul, the red channel voiced vintage high gain, again goosed by the TS9 i was able to nail those Gary Moore scorched earth tones from Still Got The Blues and After Hours. Again, you just didn't want to put the guitar down. Problem was lugging that thing around - that oversrized 4x12 was a beast!

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There was a period where I was enjoying a late night jam on a Marshall half stack..... the power, mmmm, very enjoyable.

I found out from a neighbor that maybe I was being a bit loud for hours when most were sleeping... I had no idea.


My favorite is a 1980's Dean Markley CD- 40 ... a point to point 40 watt ,1x 12" 6L6 tube w/ cascading preamp. It can sound smokin' hot at any volume , can make almost any tone, and has a great reverb also.


I love it so much I got the 120 watt 2x 12" version also, but that is total overkill really. I don't use it much really.


I also use a small old Marshall Lead 12 some times. No tubes ,but great tone.. they were used on some rock albums. It has the Celestion 10" replaced with an old Alnico 12" and it rocks.


Umm, also a Kustom Wav 210.. hybrid stereo 2x 10 with effects built in... really just a fun toy that one.. will do a great high gain or clean jazz , it has multiple tube preamps built in ... lots of sounds.

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For me, I live in a home with my wife and son, so neighbors are not a factor. Space could be an issue, as the wife would probably make my life miserable if I get an amp and then say 10 separate foot petals. if there is an amp out, I would love one that will crank when the wife is gone, and that still sounds great at low volumes and also has some sound effects. I think I could get away with a few petals though, so a great amp and a few petal or a processor make fit the bill. I do really like to fiddle around with different tones and effects though.

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There was a period where I was enjoying a late night jam on a Marshall half stack..... the power, mmmm, very enjoyable.

I found out from a neighbor that maybe I was being a bit loud for hours when most were sleeping... I had no idea.


My favorite is a 1980's Dean Markley CD- 40 ... a point to point 40 watt ,1x 12" 6L6 tube w/ cascading preamp. It can sound smokin' hot at any volume , can make almost any tone, and has a great reverb also.


I love it so much I got the 120 watt 2x 12" version also, but that is total overkill really. I don't use it much really.


I also use a small old Marshall Lead 12 some times. No tubes ,but great tone.. they were used on some rock albums. It has the Celestion 10" replaced with an old Alnico 12" and it rocks.


Umm, also a Kustom Wav 210.. hybrid stereo 2x 10 with effects built in... really just a fun toy that one.. will do a great high gain or clean jazz , it has multiple tube preamps built in ... lots of sounds.




Can you explain cascading preamp?

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Can you explain cascading preamp?

I'll try..

The gain stages of the preamp daisy chain into one another creating a multiplied effect. This is why it will recreate an overdriven sound at low volumes.

This was a feature quoted on these older amps... on modern amps they pretty much all have this effect although they may reach this result through a different method.

A lot of modern amps can give an overdriven sound at high or low actual volume levels.

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My (Current) favorite is my Peavey Classic 30..An inexpensive great sounding amp, great scorching tube overdrive, sweet reverb and nice singing cleans..I am dreaming however of someday having a Carr Rambler..May have to part with some of my other equipment to make that happen though..Ah it never ends does it? :P

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Yes, the Carr amps seem to be a general favorite. However, it looks like I will have to wait for my ship to come in, until I am able to afford one of those babies. At any rate, it gives me something to look forward to.

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The Vox AC-30 seems to be a great amp, except for being heavy. The Orange Tiny Terror looks good, but has anyone had any experience with the Orange Rocker 30 amp? It weighs around a manageable 53lbs. I will try to listen to these, I know I have seen some Orange amps in my area, but never any Carr amps.

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I've never really had a "home" amp but I've got my Marshall DSL401 and my Peavey Classic 30. I don't generally need to worry too much about the neighbors, and the kids (and ex wife) are gone so I can crank to a moderate level in the basment without disturbing anyone. I don't crank them all that loud, and use the master volume to drop things down. Granted, you don't get the feel of the amp at full song, but that's not always necessary.


If I want to stay really quiet, I plug my headphones into the PodXT. Or pull out the acoustic.


I've been wanting to try some of the Fender clones, to try to capture that sound a little better. Maybe an Allen, or a Swart. Ceriatone, Headstrong, ... on and on.l There are so many people making Fender type amps these days that its impossible to hear them all. That's one reason I'm anxiously awaiting PSP3. I want to hear Thundersteel's new toys, and I'm sure Tulk will have something sweet.

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The best home amp I have is this little 5F2a I built. It has simple controls, one output tube for low power, great tone and likes pedals.




I've got to say that if I were going to buy an amp for home use, this Vox AC15 Heritage looks intriguing.


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My favorite home amp is the Hughes and Kettner 20th anniversary Tube Edition. It's a 20 watt 2 channel amp with reverb. It's an EL84 amp and the pre- amp section is just awesome. The gain is fantastic and warm sounding so even at very low volumes you don't get that thin distortion sound. The clean channel is very good too. This is my favorite low volume amp I have ever played.

Rocker 30- I own this amp. The head version. This is not a practice amp despite the 30watt label. They are loud and you have to get them cooking to pull out the good stuff. That amp sounds FANTASTIC but you need to get it loud.

I recommend either and especially the rocker if you can make as much noise as you want. For noodling while watching TV you can't beat the H&K for getting a sweet tone without missing your 30 rock.

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I live in an apartment block and so far no noise complaints. I've got the 2 by 12 version of the Mesa Express 5:50 switchable between 5 watts and 50 watts. I basically have only ever played it in 5 w mode pure class A. 5w thru two 12 inch speakers is pretty sweet, lots of tone at managable volume.

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