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Heritage Owners Club


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Everything posted by Gitfiddler

  1. Welcome to all of the latest newbies !! It is really interesting to read how enthusiastic folks are when they 'discover' how good these Heritage guitars are. And yes, they are something to get excited about!
  2. Welcome to all of the latest HOC members! We may need to change the name to "The International Heritage Owners Club"! 8)
  3. Hello Andras! We are glad you found us! You've got excellent taste in guitars. 8)
  4. Hi there, Harold, and welcome to the HOC! As for your H-575's value, see if you can upload a photo of it here and describe its condition, features and pickups. There are a number of 575 owners (and one 'Wheeler Dealer) here who will gladly give you a range. Another option is to do an Ebay search for sold Heritage H-575's. Then you can see actual instruments to compare yours with.
  5. Welcome, Korky. Yours is an ever decreasing tale of Heritage buyers these days. Dealers are pretty savvy now about the Parsons Street gang. Congratulations on one of the best deals I've ever heard of! Does he have any more Heritages he'd like to 'give away'? ;D
  6. Fons and Rick~ [glow=red,2,300]WELCOME![/glow] If Mike Lull worked on your Heritage, I'm sure she's purring like a happy kitty. As another Bluesboy player, I can vouch that they are the perfect compliment to a 535 for live playing.
  7. Hello Chris. Welcomd to the HOC. It sounds like your H535 could use a full-on fret level job. Hopefully you've got a local guitar tech who can do a proper set-up of your guitar. Heritage has improved on its quality control and set-ups in recent years. Yours sounds like one that never had the TLC it deserved. Glad it made it to a happy home.
  8. Welcome aboard the Good Ship 'HOC', Jim777! Always good to see a fellow Ibanez fan as well. I'm as much a nut for their high end semi-hollows as Heritages. Never played a dud from Ibz. Do you also post over at the Ibanez Collectors World? I've been there off and on for many years. And your 555 is the shizzle! Chestnut Burst is one of my favorites...next to Golden Amber on 555's. 8)
  9. Bobpell~ Welcome to the HOC! How did you come to know about Heritage guitars in Italy? The web? Or did our crazy support group's reputation for mischief reach the Vatican again? :angel: I've owned Ibanez semi-hollows from the 80's and their action is consistently low and fast. You might consider having your 575 set up in a similar manner. The action on my 575 is similar to my old Ibanez AS200! And watch out for the trouble makers that insist on pictures of your H575 Custom. They'll blast you with :this_thread_is_useless_withou . I hope you post often and enjoy yourself here.
  10. Welcome Jerry...and YES, order at least one 535 with P90's! OK, I can't play lefty, but there isn't a cooler semi-hollow on the market than one of those babies. I look forward to your posts.
  11. Welcome, Jerry!! There's something really special about H555's...and you've obviously discovered it. Hey, we don't have any secret handshakes or anything like that, BUT if you tease us with colorful descriptions of your cool Heritage, be warned!! Others (not ME, of course!) will blast you right out of the HOC waters with this silly looking :this_thread_is_useless_withou emoticon. Since I would NEVER stoop to such an imature, sophomoric tactic like flashing the dreaded :this_thread_is_useless_withou at a new member, some of the wise guys around her would. So dig out your digital camera, 35mm, or Brownie, and snap a few pics, post them on a free picture hosting site and drop'em here, or those OTHER guys will give you the...well, you know! ;D Glad to have another 555 brother on board. 8)
  12. Welcome, Bubba Heat! Yessir, nice gits ya got. Is that a 'Prince Tele' by Hohner or Ibanez?
  13. Welcome (again) Bob! Great looking family you've got there. "Accomplice"...What a GREAT name for an amp!
  14. A big 'HEY'...to all of the new guys and gals here! :hello: We are now up to '550' card carrying members now. OK, so we don't have no stinkin' cards yet! But it is great to see this club growing, member by member. And don't be shy-bees. Show your Heritages, because... :this_thread_is_useless_withou and your comments :mblah05: about them. You are among (sick) friends here. >
  15. There have been a number of newbies joining the HOC and some posting (with guitar pics) and interesting comments. It really is great to see this forum grow in such a relatively short time. I've missed saying HELLO to some of ya'll, so for all of the recent new members of this whacky site, a very special HOC WELCOME!
  16. Pro Fusion~ Man, what a great looking Black Beauty!! Let us know when the perpetual grin starts. It happens to us all after the first few hours of playing a new Heritage. ;D
  17. Welcome to the HOC, Roy! We REALLY want you to be able to add a Heritage to your signature list of cool gear. ;D Keep your eye on Ebay and Gbase and Craigslist for your H-150. They seem to come onto the market in groups. Good hunting! 8)
  18. Katie~ Welcome aboard this listing ship of fools, me lady! This is a very special place for Heritage-a-holics to hang out. I am so glad you decided to hang with us. And I do have one question for you... How can someone who works at Heritage, ONLY have two of their guitars? I'd have to build a room addition for all of the stuff that would follow me home from work if I worked there! 8)
  19. Southpawl~ HowDee and Welcome! and... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! :occasion18: :occasion18: Your present is your very first Karma (applause) point from me. You might get a few more it you realize (you knew this was coming!) :this_thread_is_useless_withou ;D
  20. Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!! Welcome to the 'HOC anonymous support group'!! Tobacco Burst and JGauker, thanks for your great posts. Now, you KNEW this was coming........................................... :this_thread_is_useless_withou :this_thread_is_useless_withou :this_thread_is_useless_withou Since JGauker has a website, try right-clicking on your photo, highlight the Properties 'address' url link and paste it here using the 'image' icon. This was my personal favorite...
  21. Hey, it is great to hear from some of the regulars here. Now let's get a few more of the 400+ HOC members that have not posted to chime in.
  22. A big shout out to all of you HOC members that lurk in the background but don't post much! You know who you are! But we don't. The sole purpose of this thread is to send out a special HELLO! And to ask if you'll drop in and say something about you or your Heritage guitar. Consider this a kind of online HOC meet and greet...or even a Heritage-Aholic group hug. OK, I'll start..."Hi, my name is Tim, but my friends here call me Gitfiddler. My favorite Heritages are (in no particular order): Sweet 16, Golden Eagle, H-555, H-150 and of course the H-157. I'd love to own a Millenium, but cannot spell it or afford one yet. Alright guys and gals, YOUR TURN! Who are you...and tell us something about you and your favorite Heritages! Let's see how many newbies or oldies will say HELLO! 8)
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