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My new 150VS came in today . Opened box and found Rusty Latches and Locks. Opened case to find Strings so old they were black. Picked up "Brand New" 150 to see cracks in Nitro in 3 spot on front of body. Found Black mark looks like buff burn under Nitro finish. The back has rash and the neck does not fit body on long side with a Nitro filled crack. If all this shit wasn't enough one volume pot is completely stripped out, not the knob the POT. I called the dealer as was told this was a new guitar. I ask to speak to the owner and was told he will be in on Monday. This is described as Brand New. It's a 07 NOS just like Pearly Gates was. Honestly this should have never made it out the factory even as a second. This will be #5 but this is very poor on Both parties with this guitar. I will not post the Heritage Dealers name unless he stiffs me. If he does it's on!

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My new 150VS came in today . Opened box and found Rusty Latches and Locks. Opened case to find Strings so old they were black. Picked up "Brand New" 150 to see cracks in Nitro in 3 spot on front of body. Found Black mark looks like buff burn under Nitro finish. The back has rash and the neck does not fit body on long side with a Nitro filled crack. If all this shit wasn't enough one volume pot is completely stripped out, not the knob the POT. I called the dealer as was told this was a new guitar. I ask to speak to the owner and was told he will be in on Monday. This is described as Brand New. It's a 07 NOS just like Pearly Gates was. Honestly this should have never made it out the factory even as a second. This will be #5 but this is very poor on Both parties with this guitar. I will not post the Heritage Dealers name unless he stiffs me. If he does it's on!


How did you pay for the guitar? Was it by credit card?

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Guest mgoetting

I've had similar things happen to me. Awful.


I'm sorry to hear that. When I opened the box you sent me, there wasn't a millisecond of disappointment.

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I've had similar things happen to me. Awful.


I'm sorry to hear that. When I opened the box you sent me, there wasn't a millisecond of disappointment.

Now is not a good time to remind me Mo! I have not stopped kicking myself yet. I'm getting what I deserve. It's haunting me all the way from Michigan.
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No I used paypal. I'm getting more and more pissed as the day goes by. There is no reason on earth why a dealer should pull this stunt. Like I say there is no way this should have even been a Second. Very disappointed!

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My new 150VS came in today . Opened box and found Rusty Latches and Locks. Opened case to find Strings so old they were black. Picked up "Brand New" 150 to see cracks in Nitro in 3 spot on front of body. Found Black mark looks like buff burn under Nitro finish. The back has rash and the neck does not fit body on long side with a Nitro filled crack. If all this shit wasn't enough one volume pot is completely stripped out, not the knob the POT. I called the dealer as was told this was a new guitar. I ask to speak to the owner and was told he will be in on Monday. This is described as Brand New. It's a 07 NOS just like Pearly Gates was. Honestly this should have never made it out the factory even as a second. This will be #5 but this is very poor on Both parties with this guitar. I will not post the Heritage Dealers name unless he stiffs me. If he does it's on!


602a . . . nothing anyone says to you right now is going to make you feel any better. You have a right to be pissed. . . but not at yourself!!! Just try to understand that between the dealer and Heritage, the guitar is going to be made right. If it was sold as a new guitar, then you have a new guitar warranty . . . . if you still want the guitar. If I were you, I would wait to see what the dealer says. If he doesn't resolve it to your complete satisfaction, then call the factory direct. Ask for Jim Duerloo or Vince Margol, settle for no one else. They will hold their boot against the dealer's neck to make it right or refund your money. But, even that isn't going to make you less pissed than you are right now. Just do your best to deal with it emotionally. Right now that seems to be your biggest challenge. Beating yourself up like you are isn't going to work well for you. I'm sure the entire active HOC community will lobby on your behalf with the dealer if you need us to. This dealer doesn't want the kind of bad press we can collectively bring down upon him. But, first, give him a chance to make it right.

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I would think that you're covered with paypal.


This 2007 guitar sounds like it has a history that is not NOS.

Maybe just environmental conditions that it has endured.... in any case this is not how it left Heritage. Maybe some bad repairs have been done to it.


No question from your account that the dealer should have caught that it's not New..(old stock). ..

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That should not have happened. If the seller IS a Heritage dealer, I recommend sending an email to him now, while everything is fresh, citing all of the issues. Include a COPY to heritage guitars. They need to know if a dealer is mis-representing their product, or failing to give the level of service we deserve.


I hope this all gets worked out for you.

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602A - SO sorry to hear this crap is happening to you. If the dealer doesn't make good, I'll join the rest of the HOC, put on my western boots and do some a*s kickin' with the rest of ya.

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OK It's a new morning and I feel alot better about this situation. I have taken close ups and also video of this guitar. I sent a e-mail to the owner who is a Heritage Dealer and its was polite. As far as repairs there are No repairs on this guitar. The finish on this one is by far the worest I have seen. There is specks of gray on the edges under the Nitro. The Binding has red stain overlapping on it and not even close to being uniform. I think this one slipped through the cracks. I know Heritage will make it right if the dealer doesn't. I just hope he does. Thanks for all the support and thanks for letting me vent. I will look at the bright side" It's only gonna get better"

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OK It's a new morning and I feel alot better about this situation. I have taken close ups and also video of this guitar. I sent a e-mail to the owner who is a Heritage Dealer and its was polite. As far as repairs there are No repairs on this guitar. The finish on this one is by far the worest I have seen. There is specks of gray on the edges under the Nitro. The Binding has red stain overlapping on it and not even close to being uniform. I think this one slipped through the cracks. I know Heritage will make it right if the dealer doesn't. I just hope he does. Thanks for all the support and thanks for letting me vent. I will look at the bright side" It's only gonna get better"


Great attitude man!! Good for you! Don't for one minute discount the value of your being an HOC member. The good folks at Heritage don't want any dissatisfied customers . . . but least of all an HOC member. The part that sucks the most is that your anticipation of getting a great guitar was a let down . . . but, you are over that now and that's a great and mature attitude. The other part will be having to return the guitar and wait for resolution. If it was me, I'd see if Heritage would swap it out for another . . . so you don't have to wait. I was also very happy to read in your follow up post that your email to the owner was a polite one. That too shows great choice in judgment on your part. "How you shout to the mountain is how it will come back to you" Don't get angry with anyone, until it's time to. But we're all expecting that time won't come and you'll get this thing resolved.

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Guest HRB853370

602, I am sorry for the incident. I have never been burned yet on a guitar, or drum purchase. But there is always a first! I use Pay Pal also, but I never use my bank account, always a credit card. That way I can file a dispute with my credit card company regarding the issues and they suspend the amount from my forthcoming statement until resolution takes place. Works every time for me! I pray that it all works out for you as well.

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Really sorry about this, 602! Patrick and 'fiddler have counseled well. Document, document, document! And in all your forthcoming correspondence and phone calls, you must take the highroad, as it seems you have. It may become testy, but you have to stay on the high side of it all! Give all of the principals a reason and the chance to make this right. Yowling won't do that. Best of luck!

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If American trading laws are as stringent at UK laws, you will have no problem, as a guitar advertised as brand new should be received in a condition one would expect from a brand new guitar, ie beautifully finished, no marks, no rust, just beautiful. I am sure you will not have any problems, and I will bet the guys at the factory have so much pride in their products that they will ensure your problem is remedied.


Why don't you post some pictures here so we can see what you have told us about?

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If American trading laws are as stringent at UK laws, you will have no problem, as a guitar advertised as brand new should be received in a condition one would expect from a brand new guitar, ie beautifully finished, no marks, no rust, just beautiful. I am sure you will not have any problems, and I will bet the guys at the factory have so much pride in their products that they will ensure your problem is remedied.


Why don't you post some pictures here so we can see what you have told us about?


There are indeed laws that are intended prevent deceptive and/or false advertising. However, seeking legal remedy will probably be more of and emotional roller coaster than 602a has already been on, as well as more costly than the value of the guitar itself. At this lower financial level of trading (buying and selling as we Yanks say) it's more of an honor system and a matter of integrity. More than likely, the dealer as well as Heritage will make good on this because it's the right thing to do and not because of concerns of legal recourse of the buyer. Still, whether inside of or outside of Pay Pal . . . I only do business with a credit card and preferably American Express. They are fiercely supportive of their card holders. If the seller pushes back due to the 3.5% Am EX fee, I'll tell him to pack it in the selling price . . especially if I feel a little "queezy" about the deal or the seller. If they still refuse, with me willing to pick up the cost of the transaction fee . . . then something's wrong and I walk away from the deal.

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The pictures say it all. Obviously should not have been sold as a new guitar. Looks like one that was hanging in the shop for quite some time while customers banged it around. The case was in the basement collecting rust.

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Unspoken truth - '07 had a lot of ups and downs for QC. That neck joint is, well, not the best. Not sure what we are supposed to see in the pic of the toggle switch, tho'. What did I miss? The rest of it, uh .... hardly NOS. Which in it's very nature means "as new". That one is not even close. It'll be interesting to hear what the seller has to say. It's kind of a symbiotic relationship: as the HOC gives a better web presence to Heritage, the dealers ride that same wave. Here's hoping it all works out.

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