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Heritage Owners Club

Comfort in Holding a Heritage


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While the economies slip all over the world, the Dow and Bank of America tumble, and it appears more and more likely that those of us who had hoped to retire in the next decade or two will get hurt, it still feels good sitting down and plucking that H150. And it's less fattening than comfort food.


There's something deeply satisfying about peaceful quality time with a Heritage.

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"Comfort in Holding a Heritage." As opposed to selling, in this market in particular, eh? Man, that whole economy thing just blows.


It does make me sort of value the smaller things, like picking up my guitar and playing, hanging out on-the-cheap with my wife & daughter in the back yard instead of going out, the fact I ordered a custom guitar and amp weeks before the economy took a radical nosedive, etc., etc. Small things. :D

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I agree. It is a great escape from economic wows of our retirement funds and investments. With a mix of new and old Heritage guitars, I can enjoy the fruits of my labor and am satisfied at the end of the day that these fine instruments will hold/ appreciate in value over the long haul. Can't say that about my 401K or investment properties these days.


THere was a great shirt at PSP this year. It said, "When in doubt, buy a guitar". I tend to agree.

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Last night at a jazz jam here in San Diego, a couple of other players asked to play my 575MH when it was their turn to hold down the guitar chair. The Heritage was the best sounding guitar in the room, regardless of who played it. Nothing came close. I couldn't help but feel a little jealousy pang as i watched others light up while they held and played it, but i was happy to give them a moment of tone heaven and comfort during this difficult time.

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The main reason I play guitar is to relax. I get one these fine Heritage guitars in my hands

and all the worries of the day just fade away.


All these people I hear that are on anti depression pills ought to try this form of therapy.

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The main reason I play guitar is to relax. I get one these fine Heritage guitars in my hands

and all the worries of the day just fade away.


All these people I hear that are on anti depression pills ought to try this form of therapy.




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