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A Heritage and an OLD tube amp..


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Happy Monday..LOL..I usually run my 535 through my C-30, but the other night I was having trouble sleeping, So I pulled the old Gibsonette out.. Now I know why people treasure those old amps..Chime for Days!! No effects needed..Just Straight into the amp, and the next thing I knew it was 1 am and I was still crankin!! LOL

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ha, I agree, the best stuff happens between midnight & 3am or so

Especially if I've had a barley pop or 3.. :icon_joker:

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Couldn't agree more. Came up with a bunch of riffs and even complete lyrics to songs only to forget what I did.

I read that Paul Mccartney keeps a note pad by his bed..When he wakes up with a musical idea, he writes it down, and then he has it in the morning..

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I know exactly what you mean. I keep intending to put together a recording setup I can just reach over and pop on for practicing and late night diddles like that. Got an old Pioneer cassette deck that might work. Won't need to wait 10 minutes for Microsoft to boot, select an app and wait for that to launch, set parameters and then start recording.


The cassette deck has it's drawbacks, but I could flip on the interface and the deck and be recording in less than 10 seconds rather than 10 minutes. Then if I actually did something I wanted to keep I could save it later. Anyone have a better solution? (One of the best parts of this one is that I already have all the parts, except maybe a patch cord or two.)


Oh yeah, to keep relevant to the topic, I just got an empty 2x12 cab for my Ampeg RR2. Now all I need is to save up the money for the speakers. Thinking of a couple of Celestions. A G12M Heritage Greenback (different Heritage) and a Vintage 30. I've read that they would go well together and bring out some bottom on the Ampeg. Comments? Experiences?


And for anyone I haven't told yet, Michelle and I had an awesome time at PSP IV. Thanks guys. Already planning for next year.

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I'm a big fan of the new eminence redcoat etc speakers....private jack is my fave, very greenback-ish



Keith Richards wrote the riff for "satisfaction" in his sleep, he said if he didn't have a cassette deck beside his bed he would've never remembered it...he recorded the riff & then about 40mins of snoring!!

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The cassette deck has it's drawbacks, but I could flip on the interface and the deck and be recording in less than 10 seconds rather than 10 minutes. Then if I actually did something I wanted to keep I could save it later. Anyone have a better solution? (One of the best parts of this one is that I already have all the parts, except maybe a patch cord or two.)



And for anyone I haven't told yet, Michelle and I had an awesome time at PSP IV. Thanks guys. Already planning for next year.


See my reply above. The Zooms are nice and you can multitrack with them. Lay out the riff and then go back and add a vocal and even harmony, or maybe some thigh-slappin' drum beat.


BTW, while doing the recordings at PSP, I was watching Michelle do her sketches. Very cool! I never managed to progress beyond stick figures or a happy face. ;) Watching someone with real talent is always incredible. Maybe she can scan a few in and send to the Bird for inclusion in the calendar this year.

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Maybe she can scan a few in and send to the Bird for inclusion in the calendar this year.


She's already voiced that desire. We just have to make the time to do the scanning and uploading. It would be nice to figure out how to post thumbnails of a bunch of them that would link to the full scanned versions. Do we have that kind of set up here? or do we upload to a 'photo-bucket' type site?

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I never managed to progress beyond stick figures or a happy face. ;)


I'm with ya. I gave up, burned my sketchbook and bought a camera.

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