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Heritage Owners Club

Fender Bronco 40 and Used Bass


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My current bass amp is a Berringer, and doesn't sound great. My 13 year old kid tried out for, and made, the Junior High Jazz Band, with her on Bass, so I used that as a perfect excuse to pick up a better amp. This Bronco was knocked down $50 already at GC, and I made them an offer on it and a used Bass I used to try it out with, and they took it. I didn't get any headstock pics, so who can guess what kind of bass this is?











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Guest HRB853370

That bass has some serious horns on it and I see active electronics too. I couldn't tell you what it is. I have never seen that rounded headstock before. The pickup looks very similar to what G&L and Musicman uses.

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Thanks, Paul! She's got a long way to go, and it was a pretty lame excuse for me to buy gear, but it's not like I ever really have ANY excuse, haha. It is NOT a Warmoth. I'll get some out of the way here; NOT an Ibanez, NOT a Warwick, NOT anything high end. Very cool piece, though, I thought, with the 5 piece neck that, although bolt-on, shows through the front of the bass. Yes, Will, Active electronics, 9 volt battery under the hood.

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Hamer of course


Velocity model?


You are correct, Sir! Very thin finish, reminiscent of a "vintage mahogany" Gibson Les Paul. Thin body, nice tone, easy playability. Less than $200 out the door. Not a steal, but a fair price.




Edit to add: Yikes! I'd better dust that puppy!

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