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Need string rec's on a 535


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I got one 3 weeks ago and it came with 10's Can some of the wise tell me what you use on yours I have 10's on my strat,and on my Les Paul Standard, 12's on my H575,12's on my acoustic Martin




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Maybe I'm just grumpy cause I've had a tough couple weeks..


This, and another thread about changing out stuff on a 150, both seem to have that "tell me what I like" feel to them. So.. to state the totally obvious... I (we) can't tell you what you like! Only you can figure out what you like and what you don't. What's more even if what you like isn't what I like, that's still just WAY cool. What I like is (hopefully) good for me, and what you like is (hopefully) good for you. My best suggestion is for you to try a few things and see what works for you. For just trying it out don't worry if things go off a little because you changed string gauge, you can always get a set new setup when you make a final decision.


The real kicker of course comes later, when your tastes change and you start changing things around some more just to make sure you made the right choice in the first place, or just because you just feel like a change.. it never ends.. so don't be shy.. experiment away Dr. Fraaankensteeen (within reason of course..)

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I changed my Milli from D'Addarios to DR Pure Blues.


After the change, the balance between the B and E strings seems better. They don't have the "zing" on the top end that the EXL110s had.


One thing I haven't tried except on my Starfire is the EXL110Ws with the wound G. I always find the G to the a problem with tuning, and the wound string seems to keep it better for some reason, plus is has the "boing" of a wound string.

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"This, and another thread about changing out stuff on a 150, both seem to have that "tell me what I like" feel to them. So.. to state the totally obvious... I (we) can't tell you what you like! Only you can figure out what you like and what you don't. What's more even if what you like isn't what I like, that's still just WAY cool. What I like is (hopefully) good for me, and what you like is (hopefully) good for you. My best suggestion is for you to try a few things and see what works for you. For just trying it out don't worry if things go off a little because you changed string gauge, you can always get a set new setup when you make a final decision."


While I would recommend GHS or Dean Markley as far as brands go, the above advice is some of the best that you will get on the subject (with no hint of grumpiness). It really all comes down to what works for you.

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What are you going to play with your 535? Thats how I usually judge the gauge...


blues/r&b/rock on my tele or strat I want something slinky and bendy so I go with Ernie Ball Slinky 9's

jazz on my Eastman gets flatwound TI 13's


My Heritage is a tweener for me...Grant Green jazz-blues, so I want to be able to bend notes. She gets DA 1/2-round 11's

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I changed my Milli from D'Addarios to DR Pure Blues.


After the change, the balance between the B and E strings seems better. They don't have the "zing" on the top end that the EXL110s had.


One thing I haven't tried except on my Starfire is the EXL110Ws with the wound G. I always find the G to the a problem with tuning, and the wound string seems to keep it better for some reason, plus is has the "boing" of a wound string.



Plus one on the DR blues!!!! After asking a similar question a few weeks ago I went out and tried some DR 11's on my 535.......Woah, they really rolled the sleeves up on the tone....I totally agree with your statement about the E and B balance improvement as well.

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I changed to a Thomastik-Infeld strings recently and I have found them to be excellent. I use Jazz Swing 12s (flat wounds) on my ES-335. I also have 11s (both Jazz BeBob Series Round Wound and Jazz Swing Seried Flat Wound) on my LP Customs and PRSs. It all depends on what sound and style of music you are interested. It is all a matter of taste, I guess, but I have been extremely happy with my guitars since the change. Here is the cheapest place to get them and delivery is very quick:



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I have D'addario .09s on my 535. I use it for a lot of full barre chords and such, and it just makes it a bit easier until my technique improves. my 25.5 scale Bolt and Telecaster are also .09s. Everything else is .10s, either D'addario or Carvin (which are ghs boomers rebranded).

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Welcome to the club. This is a very good place to find out about Heritage guitars and issues that matter to musicians. There are very good and knowlegeable people here that are happy to share what they know and I have learnt a lot from them. I always ask questions because I want to enhance my knowledge - the knowledge I receive here will enable me to deal with issues that I may encounter with my instruments.


I changed to a Thomastik-Infeld strings recently and I have found them to be excellent. I use Jazz Swing 12s (flat wounds) on my ES-335. I also have 11s (both Jazz BeBob Series Round Wound and Jazz Swing Seried Flat Wound) on my LP Customs and PRSs. It all depends on what sound and style of music you are interested. It is all a matter of taste, I guess, but I have been extremely happy with my guitars since the change. Other members here might have an equally good or better experience to share.


Here is the cheapest place (I know) to get strings and delivery is very quick:



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I'd probably do 10's.. still quite bendable, but with a bit more to them than 9's


How did you like the 10's that were on it?


I like D Markleys, D'Addarios, and FireWire lately.

But lately I can't keep track which ones are on which guitar.... B)

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Pyramid 11s feel like 10s, use 'em on my Millie DC. keep 'em clean & they'll last long enough to justify the cost (a lo-ong time for me). have recently tried DR Blues and like 'em a lot on one of my Chapins.

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Pyramid 11s feel like 10s, use 'em on my Millie DC. keep 'em clean & they'll last long enough to justify the cost (a lo-ong time for me). have recently tried DR Blues and like 'em a lot on one of my Chapins.


+1 and more on the Pyramid strings. My favorite brand. And agreed on the feel! B)

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I'd probably do 10's.. still quite bendable, but with a bit more to them than 9's


How did you like the 10's that were on it?


I like D Markleys, D'Addarios, and FireWire lately.

But lately I can't keep track which ones are on which guitar.... B)

That's why I just by D'Addario 10's with the wound G. haha. Not because I think they are the greatest strings in the world. I just like the accessibility. Although... now fewer stores around my house are carrying them. What a bummer. :( Same with the picks I use. I might just have start getting used to Fender heavies or something.


With the strings, hard to find wound G 10 gauge strings around here. D'Addarios are about the only ones I can find that I can just run in and get at a store.

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10s (Curt Mangan's) on the solid bodies & Semi Bodies


11s (GHS Burnished Pure Nickel) on my 525


12s (George Benson Thomastics ) on my 575

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I have to agree with Pushover, he hit the nail on the head. From the name you use here, I am assuming you like to play Jazz? All the jazz players I know use a heavier gauge string, maybe there is something in that for you to consider. But here's what I use and why:


555: 12's, because the job it does for me sounds terrific with them, tons of tone and a wound G.


Strat: 10's, this is lik having 11's on a Heritage due to scale difference.


Tokai Les Paul: 10's, as I like to be able to play a style on this guitar which is different to what I play on the 555.


Telecaster: 10's.


As I sit here and try to think of something wise and wonderful to say, all I can think of is I use those gauges because thay work for me. Hope you find you new set up soon.

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I just bought a used 157, it came with new .009's, left it that way for a few days (I usually use 10's on my 535, 150 Tele etc, or on my 575 and acoustics I use 12's. The 9's where fun for a few days (easy bends etc, but for my own taste when I put 10's on today it came more alive to me, and seemed less buzzy. I can dig in better although the bends are just a little more work..builds character. Any way it is all subjective and ultimately comes down to what works for you. I believe they come with 10's

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