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Heritage Owners Club


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Status Updates posted by Spectrum13

  1. Gregg,

      Just cleaned and restrung my 575 from flat wound Ti Swings to round Ti BeBops 12.

    Pickups are ThroBak SLE 101MXV 

    Now I get the ghost hum/buzz only through the amp (changed cables/changed amps/change guitars) so it is only from this guitar. It's not a grounding issue or mechanical issue. Could be the same issue you had so I ask..

    If you had to do this over...  assume it is a potting issue... how would you proceed.

    Have not gone to my tech guy.  


  2. Did you get to finish "this is your brain on music?

    1. MartyGrass


      I forgot about it.  I have it on audiobooks.  I'll have to hear it.

      Thanks for reminding me.

  3. Kool, I was in Chicago this August visited my Niece Elizabeth who works at Old Town.  Did not know forum member knew about that place.

    1. PunkKitty


      Old Town is where Kip (Kidsmoke) and I met. He's the one who told me about Heritage Guitars. I've been taking classes there for years.

  4. How is the bike riding going?

  5. Thanks Barry!


      I live in Sandy Springs and plan to check them out when open full!

    1. barrymclark


      Sure thing! 

  6. Eljay,

    Putting an order into Logan for a Telecaster. Anything I should know?


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