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Nice work! I like the "H" in the corner. Does it enhance the acoustic properties?

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Nice work! I like the "H" in the corner. Does it enhance the acoustic properties?

Yep, brings out the bhass, mhiddle AND the trheble ;)

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Looks like you did a great job of lining up the grill cloth as well; that took me a few tries to get right on my first couple of cabs so I'm a little jealous that you nailed it on your first take :P

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Looks good H, how does it sound?

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Looks good H, how does it sound?

VERY quiet. There are no electronics attached to the speaker yet ;)


See my other thread regarding the build :)

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Looks like you did a great job of lining up the grill cloth as well; that took me a few tries to get right on my first couple of cabs so I'm a little jealous that you nailed it on your first take :P

I didn't nail it, I stapled it ;)


The grill cloth I used is very thick and retains its shape even when pulled firmly. I had a sample of the Oxblood grill cloth and that felt like fishing net by comparison. Hope that calms down your jealousy a little ;)

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I need a name for this amp; not a pet name like Doris but a kind of brand/model name. I'd like to reflect its British and American ingredients (unfortunately, Mesa have taken the TransAtlantic moniker), perhaps with something like 'Tweed Gentleman'. Any ideas?


I'm going to take it to a local high-end music shop when I've done the electronics and see if they think they could sell the occasional one or two.

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How about "Stud"? Ladies & Gentleman, I am proud to introduce to you, the new H Stud. There is a lot going on there. Think about it. It's got sort of a healthy ring to it.

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How about "Stud"? Ladies & Gentleman, I am proud to introduce to you, the new H Stud. There is a lot going on there. Think about it. It's got sort of a healthy ring to it.

Not a little ostentatious perhaps? ;)

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Looks great and the logo in the corner is a really nice professional looking touch...

Thanks DB, I know the lengthy wait and amount of pre-build chat wasn't to your taste; nice to know that the end result was :)

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Not a little ostentatious perhaps? ;)


I'm just say'in. Or Rocky, is that better? I had a Black, 1967 Corvette Roadster named "Sup Baby" also on the license plate.

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I'm just say'in. Or Rocky, is that better? I had a Black, 1967 Corvette Roadster named "Sup Baby" also on the license plate.

Lol :) And the British aspect of that is? ;)

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Lol :) And the British aspect of that is? ;)

I have no idea. But, it is a nice cabinet job and as mentioned earlier, the H adds a nice touch. Maybe name it "Willie" or "Kat" just to keep things in the family. Nice wedding by the way. Very similar to mine actually (not).

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I have no idea. But, it is a nice cabinet job and as mentioned earlier, the H adds a nice touch. Maybe name it "Willie" or "Kat" just to keep things in the family. Nice wedding by the way. Very similar to mine actually (not).

How about the 'Essex Yank'? Is Yank derogatory? Apologies to all if it is.

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How about the 'Essex Yank'? Is Yank derogatory? Apologies to all if it is.


It could be if you are one. Apologies to the Yanks, the rest of us aren't offended.

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I've decided to call this amp 'The Limey' - what do you think?

I'm happy if your happy.

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