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Heritage Owners Club

Salute to TonePros


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I misplaced two small anchoring screws on my H150 hardware. These lock the TP to the studs and the bridge to the posts.


I made an effort to find replacements for these to no avail. So I emailed TonePros and asked if they would sell me these.


I got a response in about an hour from someone named Gil. The screws were mailed out already!


So you are thinking, big deal- a couple of tiny screws. Well, I suppose it's not a big deal when a company does more than it has to do for its customers. But it would have been a fairly big hassle for me to hunt these screws down elsewhere and get them shipped to me.


TonePros has won a customer for life just for doing the right thing without any hesitancy.

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I also got a very response out of them even when they knew what they had to tell me wasn't the news they'd rather give. I definitely tip my hat to them. They have easily been that fastest response I have gotten from a company regarding my American Gear blog.

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Mark- you should have given me a shout, I always have that kinda stuff around...but glad you are a convert...I love them...



I didn't know that. Thanks, Mark.


Do you happen to have a single screw for a H150 control panel plate?

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It is interesting the amount of good will that the company generated by sending out a few set screws. For the price of a stamp and the screws which can't be much they hit a PR homerun. I also don't forget that kind of service.

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What are the benefits of using a Tone Pros?



Free screws.








The hardware seems very good. I'm sure someone will opine that tightening down the TP improves tone or sustain. I really can't tell the difference. Locking down the bridge keeps it in place during string changes. Some may find that useful.

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I'm hoping to do the same with my Heritage's Shaller tuner peg screws, which a few have come loose and lost.. Aber Ich nicht spreche Deutsche. Nor can I spellen zie Deutsche.

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I agree, TonePros are a customer friendly company. I ordered a Custom un-notched bridge and screwed it up thinking I might notch the saddles myself. They without hesitation, replaced it at no cost to me. Thats another reason I deal with them through "Marquis Distribution" as they work quickly & efficiently through them.

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