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Fender Mustang Series; Anybody Try/Own One?


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Well, we've done a lot of talk about amp modelling lately, and this is one MORE thread about it! I spend some time over on The Fender Discussion Page forum, and the guys in their amp section have gone ga-ga over the Fender Mustang, especially the Mustang III. Street price is about $300, and this includes the Fender Fuse software, as well as Ableton Live recording software. It is a 100 watt 12 inch speaker Solid State amp. On the forum, BillM joked about putting in a tube power section. Someone asked if he really could do it, and he said that his challenge would be finding what to attach the tubes/transformers TO, as there is no chassis, per se, simply a circuit board in a box. I have tries these out briefly, and they ARE impressive, especially for the price. If I didn't already have a Fender Super Champ XD and a Line 6 POD HD500, I might consider one, but I haven't even scratched the surface on those two units. I'm just glad that there are options for kids these days beyond the Peavey Rage 158 Practice amp I first got seemingly not that long ago! I have attached Fender's cheezy (to me) intro video to the unit. I couldn't help noticing that I am old enough to be the father of every participant in the video. They certainly aren't marketing it to old fogeys like me with this vid.



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My jam with a rock band last weekend had the other guitarist using the Mustang V head and matching 2x12 cab. Sounded pretty darn good to me. I believe there was a discussion about the Mustang III being the only one with some issues.... Rhoadscholar may have mentioned it before.

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I have never played through one but heard one played through. I thought it sounded really good. I believe there is a Mustang IV coming out... or is out... or something. Anyways, it is 150w into two 12's. There is also the Mustang V which seems to just be the IV but in head form.

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I seriously looked at the Fender Mustang III last spring. Nice amp but it did have it's problems. If I remember correctly it was with the modeling sound fading out or losing tone after a certain length of time. One was suppose to go on-line and down load a patch. At the time I was thinking of purchasing one, the down load wasn't the correcting the problem. That was first generation of the amp. I believe. I'm sure they figured it out by now. I think we are all in agreement that Fender makes good stuff. I settled on a Roland 80XL, mainly for the JC clean channel so I could to my jazz thing without lugging around a 90-100 lb. JC120. Although if I had a roadie or two I'm make them lug a JC120 around. :D

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I have the mustang III and think it is fabulous. Usually runs about 250 when you catch the musicians friend or guitar center discounts. I have used it live and for rehearsals. .


It is very light (the Mustang III) and the software it comes with is pretty cool. I haven't done any deep dives into it yet but appearently you can eadujust the sag and bias (changing the tone as there are no tubes). THe one thing I haven't mastered yet though is the noise I pick up with single coils with tele's or strats... I have one of KPB810's reverb deluxe's as well as a recently aquired tweed deluxe from Brian.


Another great feature is the headphone out can be used as a line out. I did this in a pinch to the PA and wow, it sounded better than through the amps speaker. I need to spend some time with the software. I love my tube amps and am working on taming the KPB810 Reverb Deluxe, but the Mustang III effects (even without the fact that it is a combo amp) are really pretty convincing... Stay away from the Mustang I and Mustang II. The III on up have the same effects engine.


I forgot to mention that I really love the clean setting and they sound the most tube like (convincing) to me. I have tweeked a few of the Deluxe Reverb settings it comes with and with my Tele, in my band setting I really cut through the mix. We played at an open jam and at that time, I only had it about a week but managed to come up with a pretty good clean sound. Most modelling amps do all sorts of triple rectalflyer distortions, but I find them weak on the clean settings. I am always thinking JC120 or Twin Reverb when I am going after a clean tube sound. I added a little grit to it, but you will see in this video, it really cuts through the band mix (amp is not miked) using the house PA. We did this gig after about a month of working together, but I really love the clean amp sound I got live and have used it regularly.


BTW: Were getting better and are doing longer guitar solos. You gotta start somewhere though



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He lives in Waterford. Maybe he has worked on the lisp, I don't notice it but he is probably the same guy. Plays great harmonica. We should be playing out soon.


I have another demo of the Mustang III amp playing live Evil Ways a little bluesed up but with more dirt.



I am hoping in the next couple months to be promoting Brian's KPB810 and tweed deluxe but the mustang is the grab and go for now until I get my pedal board together

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He lives in Waterford. Maybe he has worked on the lisp, I don't notice it but he is probably the same guy. Plays great harmonica. We should be playing out soon.


I have another demo of the Mustang III amp playing live Evil Ways a little bluesed up but with more dirt.



I am hoping in the next couple months to be promoting Brian's KPB810 and tweed deluxe but the mustang is the grab and go for now until I get my pedal board together


Yep, that's the guy... He's pretty cool, I just wasn't prepared when I jammed with him... He had a nice setup in his basement overlooking the lake.

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Great job, I've got a couple different projects in the works now. Took some time to buckle down and learn a few songs.... Good for you! Let us know when/where the first show is. Hopefully, you'll be featuring a couple nice Heritages and some KBP Amplificaiton!

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Hoping to get it together by February. Brian was patient with me and hooked me up with a 5E3 as well as my reverb deluxe... I also got my 555 from MaryGrass with coil taps (Thanks Marty for the hook up). Next time out / video shoot will be the 555 with the Reverb Deluxe or 5E3.


I am also finding that the Mustang III makes a nice effects engine going into Brian's 5E3. A lot of good toys to play with. I have to post some videos with that set up...


Don't want to hijack this Mustang III thread though as they are great (plus you get some pretty cool software thrown in that I spent 150 dollars for all by itself before the Mustang series came out)....

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The 5E3 and the RD take pedals very well. I used a Boss ST2 Powerstack to get a Marshall like tone out of it. Sounded pretty darn good. An equalizer may be the only thing required after a dirt pedal. The Reverb and Tremolo are absolutely killer on the RD. That saves you some effects pedals. The Fender Footswitch for the Vintage DR works perfectly with the amp and its not too expensive to add.

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Althought my time on these amps is very limited, and I hope to spend more time on one, the only thing on these amps that the demo's have been underwhelming on is the metal style tones. But... then I don't think your average metal player would lean towards a Fender as with the Roland Cubes.


I have heard some VERY impressive tones from the Line6 POD HD, Axe-FX and so on but then there are some serious tone-tweakers using those and I think they could squeeze good tone out of about anything.


I think THE most impressive live rig demo I've heard is the HD500 through a Tech 21 Power Engine 60. I was very, VERY impressed with the tones I heard come out of that. Really bummed though that is has a particular legendary amp missing: Roland JC120. You can get that through the Pod Farm, but I don't think you can save it down to the HD500.

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I got to play thru a Mustang III last night. Our drummer was sitting in with some friends. Tracy and I went by to watch, so they asked us to play a couple of songs. I found it to be a bit sterile. Not much in the way of warmth or what I'd associate with a good tube tone. Not sure what amp sim was being used. It was very clean, I'd give it that. But .... it just didn't do anything for me. I much prefer my little 15w TA, which would have no problems keeping up with that Mustang. I know it's all a personal preference, and the guy with the Mustang last night just loves them. Brings two to every show. But ... not for me. Altho'!! (thats the same as a "but", isn't it?), I could see the potential. And if I'd had time to set it up like I like an amp I like, it might make a cool back up. Can't hurt to have an extra amp.

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Thanks for the TIPS Detroit Blues regarding the Reverb Deluxe. I am getting to know it and dialing my effects board in with it.. The Mustang is so darn convenient, but side by side, not in a band setting, the Reverb Deluxe is raising the bar. I always liked listening to an amp in a live band setting and see how it cuts through the mix of the other instruments. It is hard to capture that with a backing track an amp dialed in a studio.


One of these weekends, there is gonna be an amp shoot out (I am sure Brian's amps will win), but for $250 (the price of a couple pedals), the Mustang III can't be beat. I may just make a Head cabinet out of it and use it as my effects board as you get USB, MultiTrack Software, and the FENDER SE Modeling software as part of the package....

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

I came home with a Fender Mustang IV from a pawn shop today, proof positive that I'm a sucker for these bells and whistles gizmos. I've played a few of the Mustang IIIs, and dug 'em, but REALLY don't need another amp, nor another modeller, for that matter. But that didn't stop my OCD ass from finding this one, practically untouched, for about $100 less than new. The software manual, software, and connection cables weren't even opened. It's a big SOB, with 2 Celestion Seventy 80 speakers. I had this speaker in my Traynor YCV40, and thought it sounded pretty good, although no one will mistake it for a Vintage 30 or anything. I haven't had time to dig into it at all yet, but it should be fun to yutz around with. Recording software and Fender Fuze software to "dig deeper" into tweaking settings. I know a lot of you guys have a lot of disdain for these computerized amps, and I'm not getting rid of any tube amps because of it, but, having owned an original CyberTwin that cost 4 times what this thing goes for, I feel I can honestly say the sounds and "feel" have only gotten better and less expensive.











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