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Heritage Owners Club

Anybody Worried About Age of Heritage Partners?


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After visiting the factory, and looking at those splendid pics of the new Coffee table Book, I'm a little worried that so many principals and workers are on the north side of 60. Love the experience and all, but I read that they sold their Plek machine. Also, how old is the tooling that Gibson left behind, and has some of it been replaced? Read recently that they make about 1,000 guitars annually. Considering that they've been in business since '85, I wonder if production has dropped a little? Want to keep the hope alive. Yesterday, at a club, as I came off of the stage, a guy in the front row asked how long I had my Heritage. It was nice to know that the word has spread a little.- Charley Bevell



Why would they sell their plek machine?

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those cool old guys should fire everyone in their marketing dept and find an agency that will "work for heritage" it's probably the best kept "secret" in the industry...

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those cool old guys should fire everyone in their marketing dept and find an agency that will "work for heritage" it's probably the best kept "secret" in the industry...

We, the HOC, are their marketing department. Ask any small business owner, you can't beat word of mouth......

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Guest HRB853370
those cool old guys should fire everyone in their marketing dept and find an agency that will "work for heritage" it's probably the best kept "secret" in the industry...

Agency? The minute you hire an agency, product cost goes up. Ever wonder why Geico and Progressive charges so much for insurance? Its called AGENCY. And AGENCY=$$$ and that is why "their" insurance cost so much more, albeit that is not what they advertise. Believe it, its true. Why do you think Heritage guitars cost thousands less than Gibsons? Rant over.

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there was a family owned battery mfr in Canada that had slowly built itself up over a number of years (20? )...called BOSSMAN


they hired a bunch of marketing ppl to promote their business & they went bankrupt in about 2 years...I knew a girl who worked there and she said it was entirely due to the marketing costs

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