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Sleep music with Heritage archtop guitar


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On 2/18/2023 at 7:12 AM, bolero said:

Enjoyed that, what was the backing track?

I heard tablas but it didn't sound like traditional tabla music, sounded like a loop sampled from one of Ry Cooders projects? Or John McLaughlin/Shakti

Yes that is John mclaughlin style backing truck.

I really love JM

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On 2/18/2023 at 1:40 PM, TalismanRich said:

Do you have a jazz combo?  With your ability,  I could see you playing in a jazz club with a small group,  maybe with a string bass and piano.

Oh thank you!

When I was young I play in a jazz club and bar, but My wife hate music buisiness and payment.so I quit it.

But now I want to play with small group again.

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