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Disgusted with Nashville, would like to learn more about Kalamazoo!


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Hi, I have been a fan of Mr. Paul's fine creation for quite some time. I was considering a new axe and was bummed when I found the shape that Quality Control over at Nashville has lapsed to. I was complaining to a friend when he said, "Why not Heriatage?"  I figured, "Why not?!?!?"  Truth be known I havent played a Heritage in years. I searched for the nearest stocking dealer and to my dismay hes a couple hundred miles away. I've seen a few go across eBay and almost pulled the trigger on several. I have to know something first.....what are the necks on the Heritage LP style family like? I prefer the slim '60's profiles. I've never been big on the chunky baseball bat neck, I guess its my short, stubby fingers LOL.  And in light of that question, has the neck profile of the LP style guitars changed over the years or do they currently differ between models in the LP style family.


Sorry to be a pest, I'll go crawl back under my rock.

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Hi freewheel, welcome to the HOC.


I've bought 4 Heritages sight unseen since last October, see my sig. Alas no 150s or 157s to speak of, but the necks on mine do vary quite a bit from small to chunky. I'm sure one of the other guys here will enlighten you about their instruments.



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First and foremost, welcome to the HoC! Always glad to see potential "converts".  :wink: You'll be in good company here.


The Heritage model you're refering to is the 150 Series. H150 (LPS), H157 (LPC) and such. Necks vary some, since these are still hand made all the way. In general, they are in between the Gibby style "50s" and "Slim 60s". Newer ones are not ultra slim, but certainly are not in the "baseball bat" realm.


FYI, there are a couple of the guys still at Heritage that were in the 'zoo back in the late '50s. So they def have the history and talent to build the guitars like they were meant to be built.


And no need to hide under rocks around here.

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Hey, welcome to the HOC.  You raise a great question, since most LP style players are used to the extremes that these necks can come in.  As stated, these are hand formed and will vary.  However, I've yet to lay hands on any Heritage that comes close to neck profiles as chunky as some Gibbies. 


All of the Heritages I've played had necks closer to nice C shaped 60's and D shaped 50's rounded profiles.  All were very comfortable to me.  And I'm a fat, chunky neck kind of guy!

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Thanks for the replies guys. I know all about the variances in handmade guitars. I've been into handmade BC Rich guitars for some time. I had a couple early 80's models that come out of the old Hisperia shop a few weeks apart and the necks were nothing alike. I've got a handmade BC Rich Eagle Deluxe with a neck profile that falls squarely between the ultra-thin and bat profiles and its one of my favorites. If The Heritage guitars are anything like the Eagle, I'll be a happy camper.


I guess I'll just have to pull out the sniper rifle and start vigilantly watching the 'Bay. I'm a huge fan of the older LP Customs so I'm hoping to get my hands on a nice H-157.

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My 150CM has a slim tapered neck.  I've had several Gibby's and I like these the best.  They have great necks!!  I prefer the slim as well.  It's my opinion that the necks on the 150's are more in the area of 60's slim.  Welcome to the HOC and good luck in your hunt for the right guitar!

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Welcome.  You have some catching up to do..



(you see the necks being made, each one is ever-so-slightly different)


and pics from the Heritage pilgrimage & factory tour last July: (thanks again Ron "high flying bird" for these great photos)




One thing to think about besides the thickness of the neck is the weight.  You will find most H150 CMs come in at 10lbs.  unless you get weight relief or go with a H155 model, which is semi-solid.  Some H150s come in at the 9lb range but they are the exception, not the rule.  That mahogany is dense.


make sure to let us know what you end up getting or ask more questions. 

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Welcome, freewheel!  Ditto what everyone has said.  There's always the custom spec route, too, if you're able and willing to wait.  On the tour this summer, Ren (Wall, the resident guru) said whatever you want, put a pair of calipers on it, give them the spec and they'll oblige.  Custom ordering (probably through a dealer, like Jay Wolfe, the largest, in Jupiter, Florida) has its own set of issues, though.  But you can get an amazing one-off that way...if you're willing to...................wait.

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I have access to 3 H-150s and all 3 have different necks.  Joe's has a fat neck like a LP Jr. and Jim's has a slim wide neck like a 535/335.  Another undisclosed H-150 has a thin but somewhat beefier neck, not at all chunky but not slinky either.  I had a black 150 in the late '80s and it had the thin neck. 


It seems like the older the 150 the slimmer the neck too but I might be full of it...again.  If this is true ebay might be just the thing. 


You can order these custom if you choose but using calipers won't do you much good.  One night I hit the 535 and the fat necked 150 and they read the same in 3 different place.  It seemed like there was a curvature issue that the calipers won't see, at least in my simple world. 


There are a few places you can do a custom order from one is Faultline Music.  John is a member here and I am sure he would like the chance to get you money, er ah, business.  :wink: 



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Welcome, freewheel!  Ditto what everyone has said.  There's always the custom spec route, too, if you're able and willing to wait.  On the tour this summer, Ren (Wall, the resident guru) said whatever you want, put a pair of calipers on it, give them the spec and they'll oblige. 


And when I mentioned this to Marv he goes, "Is he on that bit about the calipers, again?? Just tell me what you want. No need to go get all technical about the neck. You want a baseball bat? Or a old Gibxxx 50s or slim 60s. I've done 'em all. Just tell me what you want" Or something to that effect. :thumbsup:


What a great group of guys! Love 'em.

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My 157 (made in January of this year) has a round, moderately thick but narrow profile--I guess it's the '60s profile.  It's very very much like the necks on my old '76 and '81 Les Paul Customs, if that's any help.  Not at all like the baseball bats that Gibson seems to specialize in lately.  My 157 has become my go-to guitar.  I say go for it.  It's heavy bastard, but the tone is unbelievable.  Blows away any recent Gibson LP I've played.

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.  It's heavy bastard, but the tone is unbelievable. 


I'm 6'1" and 225 lbs, so weight is not much of a problem. Sometimes being a Lurch has its adavantages. I've searched Gbase for some dealers and I'm watching eBay. I'm cash poor at the moment but I hope to be strapping on a new H157 in the next 30 to 60 days


I appreciate the warm welcome I've gotten here. I would like to extend an invitation to join the www.bcrichplayersforum.com where i am a moderator. We celebrate the vintage years of BC Rich when they were all handmade with luthier's knives and love. Remember, not all BC Rich guitars are pointy!

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We celebrate the vintage years of BC Rich when they were all handmade with luthier's knives and love. Remember, not all BC Rich guitars are pointy!


Let's just hope Heritage don't go the same way... I think the phrase is "Do a Gibbon" or is that, "Do a PRS" or is that, Do a _ _ _ _. The list is almost endless :'(


Enjoy your Heritages whilst you can.

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