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Heritage Owners Club

Ok, so here's what I hate about Heritage guitars! (I'm sorry but it must be said)


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You cannot own just one!


No matter how hard you try to pair down your collection and be 'responsible' the pull is too strong. The guitars, too mighty!


Something new (to me) is on it's way. Stay tuned. :o



That's the part I like the best... ;):P

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I am now at five Heritage guitars, and I feel pretty good that I have covered what I really need....




Then again I'm sure that there's another one that will show up eventually... It's just so cool to have just one more.... :o

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I am now at five Heritage guitars, and I feel pretty good that I have covered what I really need....




Then again I'm sure that there's another one that will show up eventually... It's just so cool to have just one more.... :o


I envy you Zepp. I wish I could stop. If I count the 2 Heritage made D'Angelicos, I'm at 8 Heritage guitars. However, unlike you, I haven't covered all that I need . . . or more appropriately in my case . . . all that I want. I want/need/gotta have . . . an H150 in a finish ala "Brock Burst" . . . and I have a custom Golden Eagle on order. That'll be 10!!! At the insistance of my lovely wife, I am currently seeking a good and reputable "GAS" rehab facility.

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Not to mention that it'll be really hard to top the Centurion!


Thanks, and while I agree with that...

It would be nice to pick up a Millie or a semi-solid still .

But with other guitars, Strats, acoustics and such , I have a lot of guitars already.


Now .. my guess at what you have coming in... a 535/555 ?

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I just flat out don't have room in the house for anymore guitars unless I move the wife and kids into a hotel. Not saying that isn't out of the question, but I just gotta get the finances of that worked out.

Hampton Inns are real nice :o

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I just flat out don't have room in the house for anymore guitars unless I move the wife and kids into a hotel. Not saying that isn't out of the question, but I just gotta get the finances of that worked out.


There's always the 'tent in the garden' approach if the hotel works out on the expensive side. Cuts out the late night room service orders and film rentals you have to factor into the bills for the hotel :o


I've got an H-170 lined up (I'm ditching the LP Classic for a taste of HRW's) but thought I had tamed the GAS when I got the 535...

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Hi Jazzpunk.,

Yes,you're right.I'm at the wrong end of my playing career to collect more than the 2 I own.( I'd love a Sweet 16.) If you take the address,225 Parsons Street,Kalamazoo,then I'm up to 7,and if I include the ones I've sold or P/X'd,were into dozens ! Now,about that Sweet 16 !

Peter Alton Green ( U.K.)

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I just got my first one a couple weeks ago, a trans-red 535, but I'm afraid I'm just getting started...







i have a transred H155 Millie.


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I thoroughly disdain the fact that they call to me at all hours of the day! It's next to impossible to accomplish simple tasks purely because the guitars pull me in like a chocolate shop draws a severely obese woman. I can't stay away regardless of the time of day. Early in the morning, late at night; they continue to taunt me: "Steiner, play me!" Arrg...

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I have to agree also Jazzpunk...I have three and always looking for #4 ;) .......unfortunately I like other brands as well and have over 35 in my collection and am slowing down buying a little .. .. but the quality and sound of Heritage will have me acquiring a few more I know :o

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