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Heritage Owners Club

My new H157: Conclusion


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My new Tuxedo attired H157 is a beauty. All new and shiny and black; it looks like it should be up on stage, fronting an all star blues band made up of guys in suits and a three piece horn section. Me and Bad Mr. Black, we're an odd couple.


As some of you already know, the start of our relationship has been rocky. The high "E" string had a tendency to slide off the edge of the fretboard. Installing a brand new bone nut helped, but did not seem to totally get rid of the problem.


My dealer told me Heritage was sending a return authorization, but while I waited for it I took my axe home and played it. What has happened during the past couple of weeks is that, with the new nut and new strings and new set up, everything has settled in and the problems are gone!!


I took it to Tema Guitar yesterday, which is who I bought it from. Justin and I both played it for about half and hour. It played and sounded great! We plugged it into one of the new Vox Night Train amps and it really cooked.


Now all I have to do is make my playing worthy of my instrument.

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Excellent !!


It is great that it worked out that way.... a new nut and some fine tuning and ... guitar nirvana.


And when you plug one of these into a great amp, it is magical. I feel like my 157 in black is something special also.

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That is great news. While its debatable, I've heard the nuts from Heritage are not always done very well. While mine was obviously replaced once, I couldn't tell for sure they come from the factory somewhat shoddy. However, KBP810's H-157 Custom was perfect....

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Good that it all worked out. And not to dredge up what you've gone past, but I'm going to do it anyway. What took so long on the RTA? I got mine in a manner of minutes. Not that you needed it. I'm always a proponent of taking your guitars (new or not) to your local guy to have the issues ironed out. You get to be there, get to have direct input and ......... nearly instant gratification. And no shipping back and forth! I must admit I don't remember the guitar --- where are the pics?

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