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To guard or not to guard


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Curious about what you all decided about pick guards on your axes. For those of you with before and after pics, I'd love to see 'em.


Also, on the H150's it's just a matter of removing the two screws to take it off, right?

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On my Les Pauls and H-150s, I have it both ways. Some look better with, some without. Personal choice. In the case of my VSB H-150, I installed a Les Paul shaped Cream pickguard as I thought it looked more vintage authentic. I'll try and get a pic of it since the installation.

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Here is the VSB H-150 without the pickguard.


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That h150 looks great!!


Personally I leave them on I like the signature heritage shape it sets it apart and identifies the brand from a distance


Also a good conversation starter as invariably gtrists will ask about it & I can preach the gab on how excellent they are :)

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I use the PGs on all of my 150s, but I countour them differently than stock (with a small combination sander). It's a bit sleeker and curvier than the stock G-brand PG, and I think it complements the body shape well.



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Guest HRB853370

Goldtops look best sans scratchplates. All other finishes, its optional. I agree with Bolero, 150's have a unique pickguard. Why Gibsonize your Heritage guitar with a Gibson PG when you chose Heritage for a reason? (Sorry noname). Both of my Goldtops (LP Standard and H150 GT) are sans PG.

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Guest HRB853370

I use the PGs on all of my 150s, but I countour them differently than stock (with a small combination sander). It's a bit sleeker and curvier than the stock G-brand PG, and I think it complements the body shape well.




Hey Rooster, could you share a photo of your customized Heritage PG?

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If it has a nicely figured top, flame or curly maple, take that pickguard off!!!! If its just a plain solid top, leave it on. That's my thought..



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It's entirely up to you. My pickguard on my H150CM covers a small finish chip... caused by the adjustment bolt for the pickguard. I have thought about taking it off but since the holes for it are alraedy there, why bother? I also think it gives it a really classic look.

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It's entirely up to you. My pickguard on my H150CM covers a small finish chip... caused by the adjustment bolt for the pickguard. I have thought about taking it off but since the holes for it are alraedy there, why bother? I also think it gives it a really classic look.


I keep mine on for the same reason.

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So, what do you like better? Not sure which direction I'll go yet.








My personal taste is to leave it off. I like seeing the wood grain below it. For plaintop guitars, it helps make up for lack of visual eye candy. I thought about making a clear acrylic PG that will help protect the top of the guitar, but still keep it vvisible

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I called Heritage shortly after I got my Prospect to inquire about purchasing a pickguard. I was told "why would you want to cover up the wood?".


Bingo! Matching pickguards are nice, but I think they can be a bit much. (Plus they seem to be a bit on the fragile side from what I saw at PSP last year in the factory)

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I like the pickguard on. First because I like the Heritage style pickguard. It looks cool, classy and sets it apart from the Gibby's. Secondly, I don't use a pick and resting my pinky on the pickgaurd seems to keep my hand at the right height and position. So it serves its purpose aesthetically and mechanically. :icon_salut:

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Here is my VSB 150 with the new pickguard (as promised).


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If the guitar came with a PG "leave it on" is what works for me. I don't like the look of a screw hole on the top (and side). My feeling is that Goldtops or solid finishes look best with a guard on em'. Although I do have to admit I've toyed with the notion of putting a junior guard on my 137. But most likely won't ever go through with it.

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Here is my VSB 150 with the new pickguard (as promised).


Poor guitar looks like it has a bit of an identity crisis! :) Just messing, looks good.

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