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Weighed the 150 gt today


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So I have been wondering about the weight of the gt for quite some time now and finally got the chance to put it on a small kitchen scale. 9 pounds 5 ounces ( or 9.35 lbs). Not super light weight but not heavy, right in the supposed "good" weight for tone. I'm pretty happy with the weight. I thought it was much heavier but I was also used to the ES 347 which is lighter at 8 pounds 3 ounces (8.15) and all Maple construction. Just thought I would share that.

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Weight and the shoulder and back are an issue that I never thought about before the 150 gt. I only added a little over a pound from the ES 347 but it made a big difference. I went out after 2 gigs and bought a nice padded wide leather strap, and it really helped out. Now I can do 3 or 4 hours and be just fine.

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Guest HRB853370
So I have been wondering about the weight of the gt for quite some time now and finally got the chance to put it on a small kitchen scale. 9 pounds 5 ounces ( or 9.35 lbs). Not super light weight but not heavy, right in the supposed "good" weight for tone. I'm pretty happy with the weight. I thought it was much heavier but I was also used to the ES 347 which is lighter at 8 pounds 3 ounces (8.15) and all Maple construction. Just thought I would share that.


They say the kitchen is not a good place to weight your guitar, they are subject to gaining weight while in there!


Off the top of my head the 170 is 7.4lbs, 150 is 8.2lbs, the 137 is 9lbs and the 157 is 9.4lbs. The 137 is heavier than the 150, unusual, but with the wraparound bridge and Fralins it has some serious sustain.


Now that an interesting one-weighing your guitar off the top of your head. You have better balance than me Southpaw!


Btw, I have you all beat. My VWB 150 is 10 lb 8 oz.


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Slammer, are you bringing the boat anchor... er.... 150 with you to PSP? I want to feel what 10+ lbs feels like! :blink:


ZGuitar, I weighed all my guitars a few weeks back. Some of the actual weights surprised me. Guitars that "felt" very light turned out to be heavier than some of my other guitars.




Your 150 is just a bit under my 157 which was 9.5 lbs. That's the heaviest guitar I own.

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