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What is your cleanest sounding amp?

Guest HRB853370

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My cleanest would be a Marshall AS50R accoustic. If you mean tube amp, then it would be the Guytron GT 100 FV. We measured Guytron's 'A' channel on an occiliscope. It was able to drive a clean signal at 96 watts before the wave started to break up. All beautiful tone...have I mentioned how sweet these amps sound :).


The KBP810 is next. This '65 DR clone has lots of headroom on tap at volume.

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Guest HRB853370

My cleanest would be a Marshall AS50R accoustic. If you mean tube amp, then it would be the Guytron GT 100 FV. We measured Guytron's 'A' channel on an occiliscope. It was able to drive a clean signal at 96 watts before the wave started to break up. All beautiful tone...have I mentioned how sweet these amps sound :).


The KBP810 is next. This '65 DR clone has lots of headroom on tap at volume.

You did good snagging that from DB. I would have had it been BLACK and not ORANGE. Up here, Orange means you like Clemson!


I assume you really like this amp? He heh

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You bet I like it. Especially since adding the attenuator in. It allows me to get power tube dirt at normal listening levels here in the house. Plus, I'm using a power conditioner that eliminated virtually all noise. It's nice.


Plus, Brian changed the original Celestion out for the frankenspeaker that's currently in it. At first, I didn't know what to make of it. The numbers on the frame indicated it was made by a company called Carbonneau and had a mfg date code showing it was 1960 vintage. The thing had recently been rebuilt with a Jensen P12N cone and voice coil. I swapped it out with some other highly regarded speakers but none had quite the same articulate sweetness. It's got that fender chime and honkiness and is a keeper.


All in all, I'm fortunate there are guys like DB. In their quest for perfect tone, or maybe just something different, there's a constant supply of high quality discards for guys like me to pick up and keep.

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one of the best clean tones I've ever had was thru a vintage Ampeg SVT


although commonly used as a bass amp, they were designed to work as an all purpose amp...keys, bass, guitar


I recall reading that Dumble's steel string singer was based on part, in the SVT. makes sense

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Fender HRod Deluxe & HiWatt Custom 40

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Line 6 DT25 on I fender or III Vox

I'd really like to spend some time on the Line6 DT amp. I have only been able to spend maybe 15 minutes at a crack on it at a music store. That just isn't enough to get comfy with an amp that has so much to it. An amp like a Vox or a Marshall, you plug in and what you get is what you get. Awesome, but easy to get there. I want to like the DT series because I like the idea. Just really haven't had the opportunity.

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Ha...well clean gtr is much different than clean hi-fi :)


I remember plugging a gtr into a stereo...sounded pretty bad. But when I over drove it a bit I got some of the lead tones on Disraeli gears I suspect EC went straight into the board on a lot of that album

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A hifi??

Short for "High Fidelity".

Predated stereo.

Common term in the 50s and 60s.

Now used as a derogatory term that refers to a level of quality guitarists strove for back in the 50's and 60's with all that imperfect vintage gear.

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Guest HRB853370

Short for "High Fidelity".

Predated stereo.

Common term in the 50s and 60s.

Now used as a derogatory term that refers to a level of quality guitarists strove for back in the 50's and 60's with all that imperfect vintage gear.

Duh, I grew up in the 60's Bluenote. I just didnt get why he was comparing it to Hi Fi. But thats Spectrum13.

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Duh, I grew up in the 60's Bluenote. I just didnt get why he was comparing it to Hi Fi. But thats Spectrum13.

Because "clean" was 20-20,000 + - with .05 harmonic distortion. You hear the full spectrum of sound. The way it was recorded. Nothing would color the musical content from the needle to the speakers. That was clean. With guitar amps, a Fender clean sounds like a Fender, a Marshall clean sounds like a Marshall, a Vox or Ampeg sounds like a Vox or Ampeg. They all color the sound. HiFi clean is steril.


What would ice cream taste like without flavor? Vanila is a flavor. Chunky Monkey, Cherry Garcia Americon Dream are distorted flavors.

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Guest HRB853370

Because "clean" was 20-20,000 + - with .05 harmonic distortion. You hear the full spectrum of sound. The way it was recorded. Nothing would color the musical content from the needle to the speakers. That was clean. With guitar amps, a Fender clean sounds like a Fender, a Marshall clean sounds like a Marshall, a Vox or Ampeg sounds like a Vox or Ampeg. They all color the sound. HiFi clean is steril.


What would ice cream taste like without flavor? Vanila is a flavor. Chunky Monkey, Cherry Garcia Americon Dream are distorted flavors.

You like that word "spectrum" don't you!

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really cold milk!!



I remember making ice cream from scratch on the farm, when i was an anklebiter...my arm felt like it was going to fall off after cranking that damn ice cream maker tub for 45 mins or so :D


it was straight from the cow though...whole unpasteurized milk....the cow was in the barn, we got the ice, salt & bucket from the kitchen, and I sat out on the porch spinning that thing

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Guest HRB853370

really cold milk!!



I remember making ice cream from scratch on the farm, when i was an anklebiter...my arm felt like it was going to fall off after cranking that damn ice cream maker tub for 45 mins or so :D


it was straight from the cow though...whole unpasteurized milk....the cow was in the barn, we got the ice, salt & bucket from the kitchen, and I sat out on the porch spinning that thing

Cows in Canada eh?

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