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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/24 in Posts

  1. What do you mean not for profit? The run of 1000 sold out immediately, I bet that was a pretty profit! That said, for the big money (still less than a $1000) I would rather go with Throbak.
    2 points
  2. What say yee? Anyone try these yet? 1959 Humbucker Collector’s Edition Series 1, Exclusive, | Gibson
    1 point
  3. Guitar players are crazy
    1 point
  4. ... but they say 59 on them, so they must be exactly like the pickups that Gibson made 65 years ago, using a super secret recipe that has never been duplicated! AND it's says Collectors Edition right there in the description. These aren't your everyday pickups! They're AUTHENTIC! Put a pair in your Epiphone, and you'll be playing Hideaway like it's 1966! .... oops. Only 1000 set made, and they're all sold.
    1 point
  5. $1K for a couple of pickups? You could likely buy a decent guitar for that. Obviously Gibson is not a not-for-profit organization. Pass.
    1 point
  6. I also like some DiMarzio pickups (biased though as I'm endorsed by them for acoustic pickups). I recently put a set of Twang Kings in one of new Tele builds... and I also put a PAF-59 and a Super Distortion in the bridge of my Telecaster Deluxe. As for Duncans I have a set of custom Shop Peter Green pickups in my Tobacco Burst H150... and a Billy Gibbons BG1400 in another one of my Tele builds...
    1 point
  7. If you can find a used set of JS Moore PAF's I highly recommend them. To my ears, they are on par with Throbaks at a fraction of the price. I don't know if he is still winding or not, but it's worth in. I'm also very partial to Wolfetone pickups. I have a used set of Bare Knuckle Mules in my 150. I was thinking of swapping them out, so I'll be putting them up for sale. Let me know if you’re interested. If you want really clear pickups and you don't mind something unorthodox, look into Lace Alumitones. I have a set in my other 150 and I absolutely love them. I put a set of flat nickel covers on them with double stick tape to match the rest of the hardware.
    1 point
  8. People around here seem to be all about boutique pick ups. I have some but I don't notice them being any better than Duncans or Dimarzios, just another flavor. Tha being said, I am not sure what an H-574 is. Is it similar to an H-575? I have an H-576 which is simialr to the 575 so I think my recommendation would be in the ballpark, especially for jazz playing. ANy of the Dimarzio PAFs sound great int that style guitar. I settled for his 36th Anniversary PAFs but I also liked his 59 or 57 PAFs. All low output and really smooth. The Duncan Seth Lovers also work well in there....basically any well built Vintage style PAF clone should do well. Again, I tried the snob jazz pickups (price was no object at the time) and liked them a lot but,I like the Duncan and Dimarzios a lot too and they are a lot cheaper. There is that congnitive dissonance thing going on a lot: I paid more for these pick ups so they must sound better. I did a shoot out with a dimarzio and a Jim Wagner Filmore. They tested out as similar on paper and I could not tell the difference sonically. But there was a $225 price difference. Of course my ears have paid a price of years playing guitar so I may be wrong here. And around here, a lot of people like the stock Schallers for jazz. but I really don't.
    1 point
  9. I got together with a couple of friends again this afternoon to play some tunes. Mostly I've been taking my H140. Once I took my G&L ASAT. A couple of weeks ago, I took my G&L Legacy. I like the way they all play. They sound pretty darn good, although the guys commented that the Legacy sounded "thin". Yeah, it's a SSS, so it doesn't have the beef on the bottom. I haven't taken the 157 or Millenium, and while I took the 525 once as a backup, it never got out of the case. Today, I took my H535, the one with the new machine heads. After playing for almost 3 hours, I have to say that if I had to pick a favorite, that would be it. I don't know what it is about that guitar, but it sounds good, to me, it plays like a dream, it's got great upper fret access, and it's comfortable to hold for 3 hours (well 2 3/4 after taking a short bourbon break). It looks sexy as hell with that nice Faded Cherry finish. There's nothing that guitar can't do. I even did some finger picking on Helplessly Hoping! It's a winner!
    1 point
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