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My New 150CM Ultra Just Arrived - Not 100%


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Hi there


So first of all I'm left handed, and English living in Switzerland so I just can't pop around the corner to the Heritage dealer to try out a selection of models, I had to trust on a variety of reviews, and buy online from the States. My overall opinion of the guitar is that it is a great instrument both in looks and playability. However there is one minor defect which jumped out at me as soon as I held it, the binding around the cutaway looks scrappy compared to the rest of the body. I'd be interested in your opinions, I'm pretty sure its not upto the standard Heritage normally put out, any ideas what has happended here, almost looks like it

was rectified some how, but I'm no expert.


One other thing is that I was under the impression (maybe wrongly) that the Ultra came with Gold Plated Hardware, this is obviously Nickel. Is there a definative spec for this model or do the specs change from time to time/. Ive figured out CM stands for Curly Maple but not sure what the Ultra title covers.


Anyway its a keeper and not going back over the pond. But would be grateful for your input.













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first off congratulations that is a beautiful guitar!!


the small wood coloured bit there looks like they either masked it too much before spraying, or took too much off with the scraper ( not sure if Heritage masks the binding or just scrapes off the finish with a razor blade after spraying? )


it is normal to have a visible seam there, as the maple cap comes down below the binding in the cutaway


so it could be touched up....whether I'd go to the trouble of shipping it all the way back or not, I don't know.


but if it is a new guitar the dealer should be prepared to do that, if you so wish!!

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I believe Ultra refers to the top wood. Meaning the guitar is guaranteed to have really good flame, movement, etc. in the maple. Don't know if it refers to the hardware or not. Perhaps you didn't get an Ultra. Did you look at the control cavity plate? That has the real ID in it. That's a very nice guitar. But looking at that top, from the pics I'm not convinced it's an Ultra. Sorry.


Oh, and welcome to the HoC.

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Thanks Heir Apparent, I really don't think it's worth the risk of two more Trans Atlantic crossing to repair a cosmetic detail, I,ll look into having it done here if the dealer will cover it.

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It was bought new from a dealer I have dealt with a few times now with no problems.


The best i can tell ya is that this is the nature of 100% handamde intruments sometimes. The important thing is...How Does It Play?


thats what matters most!

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" . . . I was under the impression (maybe wrongly) that the Ultra came with Gold Plated Hardware, this is obviously Nickel. Is there a definative spec for this model or do the specs change from time to time/. Ive figured out CM stands for Curly Maple but not sure what the Ultra title covers.


Anyway its a keeper and not going back over the pond . . . "


"I believe Ultra refers to the top wood. Meaning the guitar is guaranteed to have really good flame, movement, etc. in the maple. Don't know if it refers to the hardware or not. Perhaps you didn't get an Ultra. Did you look at the control cavity plate? That has the real ID in it. That's a very nice guitar. But looking at that top, from the pics I'm not convinced it's an Ultra . . . "


The H-150CM-Ultra included an "ultra curly maple top" and "two gold-plated Heritage premium HRW humbucking pickups", as described in the 2005 Heritage catalog. The 2009 and latest (2010) catalogs do not list the H-150 Ultra model. My 2007 H-150 Ultra includes the above features along with all gold-plated hardware. One major reason they haven't been produced is due to the lack of available HRW pickups. One problem is at least a couple of dealers continue to include the Ultra model in their online inventories, even though they are no longer in stock nor are they being made at the factory. Otherwise, you have a great-looking H-150 there, and your dealer should right any problems that you find with it. Welcome to the club!

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Welcome to the club.


Maybe the Ultra designation has changed a bit over time with customer preferences.. but it would always include premium wood package, I believe. I can't remember if we've seen one with chrome hardware.


As to the binding issue... do a google search on" Les Paul binding bleeding" , these kinds of small binding imperfections are common on instruments like this. It was common on the original Les Pauls also.

I know that you're looking closely at your new instrument , of course, but I don't really notice that kind of small cosmetic detail too much. But it's hard to tell how noticeable it would be in real life when looking at a photo...


It's your guitar, if it really bugs you, contact the dealer and talk about it.


BTW, that's a great looking guitar... their VSB finish is simply beautiful.

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Hi Blueox


the guitar looks great other than little defect I mentioned and plays beautifully. It was ordered specifically as a 150CM Ultra in November 2011. Anyway the dealer has asked me to call tomorrow and hopefully we can clarify and resolve the issues . Thanks for all your comments guys, it will be good to talk to him with a little background knowledge

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Just piling on here, as I think what needs to be addressed, has been. That's a really nice looking VSB 150! Congrats. These issues are always tough to evaluate from photos. But I think Fred has sent you to the right place, to understand what is happening with the binding in the cutaway. Looks like a combination of the color bleeding into the binding (very common), and perhaps a not-so-good job of scraping the binding, after finishing. A good luthier would likely be able to address that. That lighter moon-like sliver of lighter color is the maple cap of the guitar. That maple takes the finish color differently from the mahogany of the body. Those particular colors, as opposed to, for example, the walnut stain sometimes used, will often (not always) reveal that "aberration" in the finish. Gibson addressed that in the Norlin era Les Pauls by making the binding there wider, to cover that. Brent addresses the real issue, though. How that guitar plays and sounds is what it's all about! Once you get a bit of play wear on that guitar, and you should, if you use it for what it was built for, the issues you raise here won't matter. Enjoy playing that beauty!

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Thanks Marty , yes looked like I paid a premium for a very nice but standard model, looking forward to having a little chat with the dealer tomorrow.

Yeppers. He needs to explain that guitar. If it doesn't say Ultra on the control plate, it's not. And thats what you paid for. Still a nice guitar, tho'.

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Actually hard to tell until you really eyeball it , it is book ended but very good join , and subtle matching of the grains.


Final question guys what's a fair retail price for a new H150

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Hi Mark, I'm English too but still in England :) That's a nice 150 you have and I hope you get your issues sorted out with your dealer.


High End Guitars, a Heritage dealer in Nottingham, has 2010 stock 150CM's on sale for £1800. That might give you an idea for a European retail price.

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Wow , 24 posts and nobody has noticed that's the top wood showing underneath the binding in the cutaway. My Les Paul (and I'm sure every Les Paul/H-150 with a maple top) has the same thing. The maple top is a little thicker in the cutaway so the binding doesn't fully cover it and a little shows through underneath. I'm surprised nobody here knew that.


Anyway, beautiful guitar - enjoy!

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