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Heritage Owners Club

The Heritage Guitar Company - Today and Tomorrow

Millennium Maestro

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Fresh from my trip to NAMM with Heritage and its accompanying entourage I would like to share some direct information in hope to clarify some misinformation and sharing some information my fellow HOC members may find useful.




We all already know there is a potential Buyer for The Heritage Guitar Company and there is an agreement between both Buyer and Seller, currently both parties are moving forward to execute that agreement. Now as a professional sales agent I see transactions close everyday and some transactions through no fault to either party never successfully complete/close. I cannot tell you when this transaction will finalize, agreements take time to complete sometimes months and sometimes years.


AS OF TODAY IT IS BUSINESS AS USUAL FOR The Heritage Guitar Company! Selfishly I would love things to never change and have my friends, the Master builders, spend the rest of their lives building my guitars but personally I would really like them to enjoy a fruitful retirement that many enjoy at the age of 62-65... For this reason I would state "IF you have any interest in a new guitar or special order, I recommend you support my friends sooner than later and contact your preferred Dealer of choice!"


I had the privilege of meeting the potential Buyer and a few of his professionals at NAMM, What a great guy! He has an interest in seeing 225 Parsons St as a Historical site and Heritage Guitars being everything it is and should be. They have plans on marketing the guitars which I believe should cause the brand to increase in value. They understand the guitars construction and Heritage of the company and have assured me they want to keep that all intact! ("YES") I really enjoyed the ideas shared and believe they will allow Heritage to prosper well into the future. (when and if they purchase the company). I also took the opportunity to discuss HOC matters with him and he is very warm and welcome to PSP matters and having the club show up at the factory, I get the feeling we HOCers have his full support. He loved the idea of 60-70 of us at 225 Parsons St.


The Buyers advisers expressed interest in making the systems currently in place more efficient, making the factory a cleaner more healthy environment and dealer opinions of making the purchase process a more enjoyable experience for both Buyer and Dealer!


Any way the future presents itself to us, We are in good hands!


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Anything going on staff-wise?

not that I am aware of... But that would be an internal decision, not something to be shared with me. The Masters and core players would have to assist in any transition in my opinion.


Key note, Heritage Guitars will be in the business of making handmade guitars, those people are all important.

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Excellent Maestro! Thank you for keeping us abreast of current events. It's so nice to have a Heritage dealer here that cares about getting the word out and keeping us informed.

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Thanks for the very optimistic update!


I notice your repeated reference to "he" and "his". So I guess my prediction of Martha Stewart buying Heritage is out of the question?

Many years ago I had a dream that I was having an affair with Martha Stewart. Linda calls her my woman. Martha would cook for me. I got's skills. I'll bet she has skills too. ;^)


Guy, how did the potential buyers feel about you being a Canadian dealer? Was it a "birther" thing?

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