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Super Kenny Burrell NGD


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2003 Antique Natural.


The neck is medium thin and more of a C than D. The action is great. It is loud acoustically.


This has the premium woods package. The top is particularly nice. It has bear claws, great striation, vertical banding, and nice grain. The pics below show it well.


The noteworthy comments are just two. First, HRWs sound good with George Benson 12's flatwounds. I'm still tinkering with the pickup adjustments. I generally cannot tolerate HRWs in the bridge position. It's still early though.


The other comment is that this guitar is 9 years old and the bridge still has not been fitted to the top. That impresses me. I figure anyone crazy enough to sink this kind of bread into an archtop would put take a few moments and sand the bridge base for correct fit.


It plays really easily. This is a keeper because it's a really nice player and for sentimental reasons- Kenny Burrell signed the label inside. (How'd he get his hands through the f holes?)




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Wow, wow, wow, and more wows!!!!


Just when I think I am satisfied with my "pile".......


That's in the Top 10 all time Heritages, yeppers!!!!!!!!

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I want to know how you're going to see what your hands are doing throught those big, puffy, red cheeks brought on by your huge, shipt-eating grin. Nice trophy!

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Congratulations! That's a keeper for sure.

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Somehow, Mark, you continue to out-do yourself. Congratulations on yet another beauty. Enjoy her!


In the words of Smokey Robinson, "I second that emotion!"


Another irresistible work of art from Mark's never ending stable of exceptional guitars!




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